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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/17 10:34:40 Edit(编辑)
Dramas broadcast delayed half a year abroad, cannot catch up with the play of netizens complaining,

Dramas broadcast delayed half a year abroad, cannot catch up with the play of netizens complaining,

Dramas broadcast delayed half a year abroad, cannot catch up with the play of netizens complaining-TV, dramas that play overseas, outside the limit order-IT news
Dramas broadcast delayed half a year abroad, cannot catch up with the play of netizens complaining

In 2014 the Chinese Visual Arts Innovation Summit, reporters learned thatoverseas drama introducing Windows 2015 lag period of about six months . Administration of the implementation of "outer limit order", the video site overseas introductions to license the play, first time outside the popular American TV series, dramas, has been unable to achieve. In this regard, insiders fear pirates comeback, and friends, of course, is stink ... ...

"Outer limit order" fine print exposure

@ Love port er c: I believe that there are policy measures.

Pen box @ the pig face: the best way to stop viewers watching that TV show is drama made, rather than what the outer limit.

@H appy_son: totally not necessary! Mainland plays the pipe is true!

@ Just a orange _: radio and TV to us exactly what to use?

@ Kill MO: streets quiet flow n in one pirate DVD business for many years into the mystery of smile, it's time to come back ... ...

@ Exercise-books: six months without food or go eat shit.

@ Man 77 back pocket: on the one hand not graded death trying to ban it for good.

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