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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/14 9:13:41 Edit(编辑)
Google Announces 2014-best Android entertainment content

Google Announces 2014-best Android entertainment content

Google Announces 2014-best Android entertainment content-Google, Android, Google Play, entertainment-IT information
Google Announces 2014-best Android entertainment content

IT news -Google unveiled Google Play of the year for the first time in history entertainment content (sorted by downloads), including best practice, games, TV shows, books, etc, some of which list people by surprise.

Application categories:

Types rose fastest this year is health & fitness category, visible foreigner on the importance of how much health, specific ranks are as follows:

Duolingo (neighbouring language learning applications)

MyFitnessPal (fitness)

Pandora (Pandora radio)

Flipagram (pictures and video)

Facebook (social networking)

Netflix (video)

NFL Mobile (sports)

TripAdvisor (travel)

Game categories:

The legend of the candy top, Google Play users unlock a total of 3.5 billion this year, and specific ranks are as follows:

Candy Crush Saga (candy legends)

Don't Tap The White Tile (don't step on the white piece)

Farm Heroes Saga (Saga farms)

Subway Surfers (Metro Parkour)

Clash of Clans (tribal war)

Music categories:

Music is the fastest-growing type in movie soundtracks, specific ranks are as follows:

Frozen (best album, the Winter Romance film soundtrack)

Dark Horse (best track of the year, singer Katy Perry)

Fancy (the best summer songs and singers Iggy Azalea)

News source categories:

The New York Times won, rankings are as follows:

The New York Times


Forbes Now

The Verge

The Huffington Post

The Daily Beast

The Wallstreet Journal


Android Central


Best-selling origin, fate's fault on top rank as follows:

The Fault in Our Stars of the fault of fate

Fifty Shades of Grey of the gray shade of 50

Divergent of the differences

Twelve Years a Slave of the slaves of 12 years

Insurgent of the traitor

Movie & TV show:

Worthy of mention is the Google search than any other actor in the Play is the late Robin Williams, specific ranks are as follows:

Frozen (of the Winter Romance, film of the year)

The Walking Dead (the walking dead, annual series)

Toy Story (toy story, best returning movies)

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