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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/14 9:04:24 Edit(编辑)
Beijing disrupted the departure order airport will have the right to detain

Beijing disrupted the departure order airport will have the right to detain

Beijing disrupted the departure order airport _ will have the right to detain | capital airport news

Jinghua times dispatch (reporter Han Xu) yesterday, airport and related sectors held by the Beijing public transport airport management regulations (hereinafter measures) press conference, according to reports, the first clear, disorderly perpetrator in public areas at the airport, the Airport Authority may impose administrative penalties.

Officials say, put a joint meeting of the city will establish a sound management system to deal with airports in the planning, construction, air pollution control, noise control, obstacle clearance protection and traffic organization and the food and drug administration, and related issues of territorial management responsibilities in areas such as. Joint system yiqian also in do, encountered flights big area delays, and passenger stranded, situation, to coordination multiple units and sector together to solution problem, clear has joint system yihou, is not all stationed in field institutions are by joint command, but once occurred special situation or emergency event, to held joint consultations out solution programme, is for all units and sector built has a better communication faster solution problem of platform.

Stakeholders noted that the airport is a relatively isolated place, the present situation is that after experiencing disturbing public security and order, administrative departments rushed to the scene had seen the incident, airport personnel nor its punishment over time causing a "law enforcement's ' invisible ', visible cannot be law enforcement" of the situation. The official said, approach, proposed that executive departments and airport authorities impose administrative penalty in writing signed a power of Attorney, impose administrative penalty and the airport's jurisdiction and authority. In order to enforce fairness, Executive airport authorities will also monitor the legality and rationality of the implementation of administrative punishments.

It is reported that the scheme would enter into force on January 1, 2015.

≫> rules

The airport controlled area management: new approach explicitly prohibits four types of behaviors, including:-Airport controlled area pass entering the airport control zone; forcibly entered the taxiways, Terminal apron, boarded an aircraft; climbing the drill more, destroyed the airport fence; other air transport security-threatening acts of disturbing the order of the airport.

The airport public area management: approach clearly for the first time, in the public area of the airport to disrupt public order, undermine environmental violations at the airport, the relevant administrative departments may appoint airport authorities impose administrative penalties. And according to the People's Republic of China article eighth of the provisions of the law on administrative punishments, administrative punishments including warnings, 7 penalties such as fines or detention. This means that people disorderly in public areas such as in the Terminal, airport directly to their detention.

(Original title: disturbing the order of departure airport to detain)

Beijing times

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