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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/10 8:35:27 Edit(编辑)
Incidents of sexual abuse to make big, Uber in India face severe punishment,

Incidents of sexual abuse to make big, Uber in India face severe punishment,

Incidents of sexual abuse to make big, Uber in India are punished-Uber, a taxi software-IT information
Incidents of sexual abuse to make big, Uber in India face severe punishment

A female passenger reported last weekend, its Uber was sexually assaulted by the driver on my way home by taxi , then India's capital New Delhi on Monday decided to ban the services operating in the area.

New Delhi Transportation Department said in a statement, the driver was arrested for sexual assault experiences three years ago, but still Uber hired him, so Uber blacklisted against the New Delhi area will continue to provide services.

Uber spokesman could not immediately comment on these issues.

The arrested driver named xifu·kumaer·yadafu (Shiv Kumar Yadav), who appeared in court on Monday local time, its still on remand for 3 days. Police say Yadav were arrested three years ago for sexual assault charges, before being acquitted.

India police say Uber failure to check drivers ' backgrounds, they will take legal action against the company. Uber said that India has never clearly defined to permit background checks for commercial transport, but that it will work with the India Government departments coordinate to solve this problem.

Before the prohibition order issued, Uber CEO telaweisi·kelanike (Travis Kalanick) said in a statement: "something creepy in New Delhi over the weekend. We will do everything we can. I stress again that will do everything possible to bring the perpetrators to justice. ”

Police said the 32-year old suspects after a sexual assault victim, to be sent home, and threatening and may not report the authorities. However, the victim managed to write down the driver's license plate number, and took pictures of the car.

According to a report released in October by the Thomson Reuters Foundation said women using public transport, India ranked fourth among global risk.

As the originator of a taxi, Uber's development is very fast. Although some recent negative news, such as inadequate supervision of drivers, and company executives back to the reporter, but it is the successful completion of a huge financing, currently valued at a staggering $ 40 billion. It is sufficient to see that investors are optimistic about the service in India and other emerging market growth potential.

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