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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/12/10 8:30:15 Edit(编辑)
Northeast black earth degradation of 1 cm a year, stable income multiple bottlenecks

Northeast black earth degradation of 1 cm a year, stable income multiple bottlenecks

Northeast black earth degradation of 1 cm a year stable production increase multiple-neck black land degradation _ | | news

-Reporter Guan Jiantao dichain Guo Xiang Shenyang, Changchun, Harbin report

"Black earth in Northeast China is facing increasingly compacted, arable variation problems. Black Earth in Northeast China used to be one metre thick soil, only 40 cm to 60 cm, on the songliao plain of loess in spades went down to see the ' PI-breaking ' has a lot. "The Chinese Academy of engineering, said Chen Wenfu, a professor at Shenyang Agricultural University," you see formed one-meter-thick black soil needs 300 million years, but now the degradation speed is one centimeter a year, if we do not pay attention to improve the quality of cultivated land, agricultural development will be seriously threatened. ”

Is the country's largest commodity grain base in Northeast, food markets "big barn" and "stabilizer" role has become increasingly prominent. But economic reference reported reporter survey found, still some factors restricted with food production: in production aspects, agricultural based facilities debt more difficult anti-big disaster, black land organic matter content years declined; in system level, food main region place financial support insufficient, farmers professional cooperatives, new agricultural operating subject loan difficult, and risk guarantees level low, some policy constraints food production; in food circulation aspects, due to international food low price impact and domestic supporting city market twisted, Northeast food price upside down, place storage pressure increases , Future by high food prices increasing the difficulty of raising farmers ' enthusiasm for growing grain.

 How difficult the underlying debt against disaster

Black "degenerate cm a year"

Experiencing serious drought in Northeast China this autumn, nearly one-third of crops were affected, or face total destruction in Liaoning province, nongan, gongzhuling, Jilin and other 10 major grain-producing counties also happen, part of the Massif crops. Outbreak of disastrous floods in Northeast in summer and autumn of last year, there are more than 30 million acres of crops in Heilongjiang Province alone, and frequent natural disasters have posed a serious threat to grain production in Northeast China.

Three provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning has about 300 million acres of arable land area, accounting for 16% of the total arable land in the country, is an important commodity grain production bases. According to the CASS rural development Institute researcher Lee Kwok Cheung, in 13 provinces in the main grain-producing areas, remaining outside the self-sufficiency only Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Henan, Anhui in 5 provinces, leaving 8 producing provinces tend to generate their own balance, food deficit provinces are mainly concentrated in the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and other coastal provinces.

"Agricultural infrastructure is poor, weak resilience of agricultural land, the next five-year threat to grain production in Northeast China's biggest handicap. "The head of Jilin provincial Bureau of water resources related, for example, most of the irrigation project built in the last century of Jilin province 560, aging equipment fell into disrepair long running while sick, do not watch 40% works damaged or aging. At present only 230,000 electromechanical wells in arid areas in West-Central Jilin and some spray irrigation equipment, works less direct impact on drought-resistance of drought this year.

Heilongjiang province, which suffered devastating floods last year levee Foundation is weak, some river dykes and even the berms, embankments, ability to withstand floods is only a dozen years of time. Hou Baijun Vice Director of Heilongjiang provincial flood control and drought relief Headquarters Allied said that the flood reaches 20,000 km across the province, has control of only 8000 km River. The reporter learned from some counties in Northeast China, some major grain-producing areas and waterlogged area, as the project has failed to match the buildings, drainage standards low, often due to poor drainage caused waterlogging, food production is declining dramatically.

In addition to flood control and drought relief capacity of adequate services, supporting grain harvests in successive years of black earth in Northeast China, decline in organic matter content did not stop. Chen Wenfu, academician of Chinese Academy of engineering said that long-term excessive application of fertilizer in the Northeast caused soil compaction, decline in soil organic matter content, do not change the predatory agricultural production would be a serious threat to grain yields. 60% grain production in Jilin black earth, soil organic matter has now fallen from the early 8% to 2%, rural soil organic matter content also in Heilongjiang province has continued to drop.

In addition, with a new round of revitalization in Northeast China started, "workers and peasants" signs of problems escalate. Liaoning District large tracts of land idle for a long time full of weeds. Local villagers, the cultivated lands abandoned arable land have been expropriated for four or five years. Land supervision Bureau in Jilin city inspectors last year found that the illegal use of land in the city 80 cases of 646 hectares of arable land. Lead researcher Jiao Shanwei, China grain network analysis, along with the promotion and revitalization of Northeast China over the next five years, industry and agriculture for land issues fears will become more prominent.

 Parts of the agricultural policy constraints

Inadequate agricultural effective protection

In the Northeast, such as loans, low overall level of agricultural insurance and agricultural inputs are relatively weak institutional mechanisms such as issue also affects food production. In addition to rural finance, insurance and agriculture support and protection is restricted, and journalists in the survey learned that agro-technical extension mechanism is still not perfect, agricultural technology extension system in the "last mile" failures, the supporting role of science and technology to agricultural production greatly reduced.

Every preparation of spring ploughing season, Northeast farmers worried about one thing that is most difficult loan problems. As loans need collateral on the one hand, farmers often effects due to lack of collateral loans. Some financial institutions on the other hand has a huge stock of capital, risk too afraid to lend, "two anxious infarction in the Middle" problem was slow to break down. This reporter learned that, some counties in the Northeast around 80% farmers rely on farm loans, such as not to ease mortgage range, will greatly affect the farmers to grow grain.

As the northeast of frequent natural disasters in recent years, agricultural production to derogate from tolls stands, farmer's thirst for higher protection of agricultural insurance is urgent. Insurance Institute of Heilongjiang province, summer and late autumn, said Deputy Secretary General, most cities and counties in Heilongjiang province are "eating finance", policy-oriented agricultural insurance is very difficult. Due to insufficient capacity, rural area of Heilongjiang province four crops of rice, corn, wheat, soybeans coverage is only about 150 Yuan on average, only direct physical cost of 20% to 40%, agricultural insurance overall risk level is not high.

Due to insufficient financial resources, agricultural inputs are relatively weak. Some local cadres in Northeast China said, after canceling the volunteer, the accumulation, no policy for how to carry out water conservancy construction, so long will pose a threat to agricultural infrastructure construction. "One thing one debate" is often indecisive, requires farmers to pay project general discussion fails, especially across villages, large-scale construction of Water Conservancy works hard to organize. "Poor infrastructure over the next five years and lack of inputs, will have a bigger impact on food production. ”

Besides insurance outside the limits of the support and protection of agriculture and of rural finance, agricultural technical extension mechanism is still not perfect, a lot of good agricultural technologies cannot continue in a timely manner. Liaoning Provincial Academy of agricultural sciences, the Heilongjiang Provincial Academy of experts introduced some agrotechnical station exists, very few people really engaged in agricultural extension work, led to the agricultural technology extension system in "last mile" to malfunction. In addition, many research institutes of technical extension workers are reluctant to engage in agricultural extension work, agricultural technologies for agricultural production in the next five years to support role will be greatly reduced.

 Food prices upside down

Enthusiasm for growing grain is no guarantee that

Reporters found that food prices continued to rise in recent years, farmer general expectations of future prices is bullish, but the impact of low international prices and domestic supply of the double impact of future protection by maintaining high food prices increasing difficulty of enthusiasm for growing grain.

Academy President Tao Chengguang, Chaoyang city, Liaoning province, Liaoning province, grain storage manager Liu Guojiang, who analyzed in United States as a representative of corn country will harvest again this year, international food prices under pressure. In the domestic market formation of high food prices is not sustainable.

Lead researcher said Jiao Shanwei, China grain network, under the influence of international grain harvest, domestic prices in 2012 already under downward pressure. But in order to protect farmers ' enthusiasm for growing grain, promptly launched a temporary storage of maize and rice market acquisitions, protective purchase price per year rise in proportion. "Due to the supply and demand of domestic and international grain markets in recent years is not a major change, temporary protective policies into a long-term policy, causing domestic prices long-term deviation from market prices. ”

This unusual market price system worsened the food market expectations. "Our corn fed peaked at 70 million tons last year, after passing through the auction, may still be 40 million or 50 million tonnes this year, could have tackled the low market prices at any time. "Liu Guojiang says food prices this year or continue to slump, domestic policy support has a dilemma, driven by high food prices, farmers ' enthusiasm for growing grain would make it difficult to maintain.

Because of the long-term market price higher than the market price, grain merchants generally short wait-and-see, food pouring into reservoirs, which greatly increases the risk of storage. 2013-2014 annual food grain enterprises in Heilongjiang Province today buy about 60 billion kg of grain, stock close to the largest grain storage capacity, 30 billion or 40 billion kilograms of grain shortfall this year. "Jilin's grain inventory once a ditch full of Hao Ping. "The Jilin provincial grain Bureau official said, grain storage facilities, and storage capacities available, receiving shipments, drying capacity is mainly" ten five "period before the formation of some facilities built in the 80 's to the 90 's of the last century, and the current grain production capacity can not meet the, food production continues to increase in the future, store the pressure will be even greater.

Economic information daily

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