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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/9/8 11:51:47 Edit(编辑)
IFA,2014 the Assembly discovered concepts 8K TV,

IFA,2014 the Assembly discovered concepts 8K TV,

IFA 2014 Conference discovered concept TV-LG,8K TV 8K 4k TV-IT news
IFA 2014 Conference concept found in 8K TV

Already exists on the market today have many OLED TV and 4K TV, but LG is doing is high resolution and OLED 4K 4K OLED TV combines excellent display quality. The company said it currently on TV has no rival in this category.

In the past few years, 3D TV is LG's product lines in the lead, but LG OLED TV direction to 4K in the future. Although the company's 3D TV will continue to exist, but will be dropped to second place.

Although 4K is LG's main selling point this year, but LG plans to go further, using IFA Congress's chance to show off the company's first 8K television. The 98-inch TV up to a resolution of 7680 x 4320, it and other similar to the LG LCD TV technology is used, handled by four 4K image processor 8K high resolution images. LG says to wait until the device officially listed will be reduced to one processor.

This concept is some very basic live television video, there are no fast motion video or complex images. However, since it is the resolution of full HD TV's 16 times, level of detail richness so the device can meet your expectations.

A representative of LG company on the scene said no 8K content is available on the current market, the company will wait until the markets further into the 4K, then, to consider ways to make good use of this technology. If there is a demand in the market, LG can be implemented within a year 8K TV production.

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