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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/24 8:17:40 Edit(编辑)
Ice bucket challenge of internal logic,

Ice bucket challenge of internal logic,

Internal logic-ice bucket ice bucket challenge challenge, ALS and als-IT news
Inner logic of the ice bucket challenge

United States "ALS ice bucket challenge" swept up, including Bill Gates, Larry page, Mark Zuckerberg, Kobe Bryant, including various stars, Taylor Swift, etc are involved. This activity came to China the same sent and not accept, which winds from technology to entertainment, sports, music, film and television from all walks of life, Lei, Zhou hongyi, Andy Lau and other stars have played a part.

What, then, is the ice bucket challenge? " ALS ice bucket challenge "approach that the participants in the video site launches its ice water all over your body video, the player can then challenge others to participate in that activity. Important invitees within 24 hours or accept the challenge, or choose to fight "amyotrophy lateral sclerosis" to donate $ 100. Activities in an effort to let more people know about being referred to as "als" rare diseases, and also raise money to help the goal of treatment.

A simple splash of ice water, and outbreaks of the virus in a short time, what sort of logic is there?, what is the trick? viagra with everyone through the phenomenon essence today, as we unravel this mystery.

Fission, fission rapid spread of the virus

Ice bucket challenge spread through social networks and video, principle, as posted on Twitter, a text, then @3 is the same, also thanks to the social networking viral principle of fission. Difference is that @ different celebrities @ celebrity celebrities spread itself has a lot of fan and media attention, easily became a hot topic.

Everyone @ 3 people is "three-point" the spread of fissile, similar to cellular coverage, which is spread instead of lines of coverage in the area, so you can cover the spread in a short time more, and there are no space constraints. Ice bucket challenge is from the United States spreads to China, this form can be "flower", in the United States are not fully covered, a little falls to China in China started to spread of fissile, can also help to the United Kingdom, and Japan, and India and other countries.

In addition, each celebrity's "wet ice water show" is also a flashpoint topic, prior to that, besides showbiz stars like beyond the hype, big guys haven't seen the scientific community can have this kind of behavior. However through the challenges, such as the mild-mannered Robin also "wet" appear, the most rare is by way of challenge, so that should have been impossible things become possible, and that freshness is never in the past, which would lead to rapid spread.

Timeliness, 24 hours must be answered

Ice bucket challenge participants @ 3 people must respond in 1 day is 24 hours, which means that the challenge is time sensitive. So everyone can see you wet sites in celebrity big brother was mix of, and some will be featured venues, some wearing pyjamas, there in the road, shooting video of the location itself is an attraction.

And neither challenged nor give up the challenge, ultimately is useful for initiating this activity one, accept the challenge you can let more people take part in this project, do not challenge the donation, then the contributions will accumulate more.

Watch celebrity life appear more realistic

People are accustomed to seeing films and shows celebrities, celebrities seldom seen in the scene, which much like the popular 10 seconds self-timer videos short, even say nothing attracts fans of crazy forwards senses to star in the real life, because people have an opulence. And each star in the water before the challenge, though, is reaching out to other stars, "afternoon", but is still communicating with audiences via video, this video-realistic feel, very friendly, will win audience affection, so forward.

A sense of participation, to be named are proud of

Although some celebrities will say "I told you you? why me" sort of, but can see that they are excited that can be named are either close friends or opponents truly are treated as the same order of magnitude, that's an honor. On the phone to get the f code proud Eagle Alex brisket is proud of are invited to try, already in people's consciousness constitutes a constant standard in the matter, of course, is everyone willing to be named. Particularly in point 3 might have two very well-known and the other not so famous, brand, which has the effect of advertising.

Also needs to be said is that people involved in the ice bucket challenge to publicly challenge the other 3 when, as star witness to challenge video in front of an audience, there will be a sense of participation, think for the star witness is a matter of how happy and excited.

Expectations, whether named dare challenge

Ice bucket challenge to quickly spread a key point is that fans of the stars of expectations, expect their favorite stars are able to fight, and second, to see their admirers can perform. If not in the form of video display, may not have high expectations, and video as the vehicle traveling data recorder, each star of "water wet" process is recorded, it is estimated that there are a lot of people expect more and more actresses were a challenge, er, viagra has some evil.

Spectators are expected to see their favorite stars on the one hand, on the other hand, stars are also expected to be named, but only @3 individuals, are likely to decrease, which added more stars on the campaign's expectations, less is more likely to be snapped up, much is always the best.

Effects more rapidly than General pop

Popularity more quickly, of course, associated with celebrity while also is consistent with figures mentioned in the tipping point, time and other key elements, but different. Traditional tipping is an artificial creation, even without stars, subject to number 28 in the theory, through certain operations that is likely to be successful.

Ice bucket challenge is spontaneously spread and propagation of celebrities, this is the genius of the activities at celebrity spread more easily between popular, each celebrity behavior affects a number of media, spread each celebrity played an active role, under the spread of social networking and video sites, popular more quickly.

Effect, spreading even more entertaining, not many contributions

Ice bucket challenge participants are mostly men, poured a bucket of ice water to process very short, this is another in the long summer season, simple watering are not actually challenging, this is something most people can cross the threshold. Even to not defeat of qi, also does not towel of, so most stars were are select accept challenge, but this also means with refused to accept challenge and took out 100 dollars of people does not more, eventually this public activities of entertaining to is greater than public, that began let people suspected this public activities of original, is to public of name hype more of people famous, also is to raised contributions help disease difficult who.

Reported that the ice bucket challenge now in China only raising millions, of which 90% is Wang Sicong contribution, the number of Star executives who are involved in some ugly, but they have successfully challenged the game without pay is normal, and with this, the event is more of a celebrity show.

Accident, boom in social networking, the fire video

Challenges with social networking sites such as Twitter to bask with the ice bucket and a variety of shows, it makes a bit diminished attention again to social networking, at 17th, Facebook for discussion on this topic has been more than 28 million people, 2.4 million more ice bucket video is reproduced in shared challenges. Home, weibo became ice bucket challenge scores display platform, stars after a successful challenge will be the first time Sun weibo, 20th, # ice bucket challenge # this topic has reached the number of Tweets over more than 137,800 top Twitter topic list two.

For videos and challenges, must be carried out on the video website shows, present the various video sites challenge ice show video in a headline or an important position, traffic is no longer mentioned.

"Ice bucket challenge" the original motivation was to let more people know of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and to raise money for this charity project. The campaign developed to nearly swept through the community's celebrity, but now it looks more like a field of stars show, order activity continued at the same time, also suffered from a lot of people's criticism. Anyway, this is one of the most popular since 2014 all-star activities, viagra hope community focusing on activities at the same time, can also reach more public donations.

Originally this article was combined with humanity and cross-border analysis, due to space limitations, we wrote it, and people want to focus on challenges with the ice bucket is not concerned about the event itself, but the attention to the nature of the activity.

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