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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/21 8:29:48 Edit(编辑)
Pulling hook line line 1, hold the Internet industry recruiting supremacy

Pulling hook line line 1, hold the Internet industry recruiting supremacy

Pulling hook line line 1, hold the Internet industry perch-nets-IT recruitment information
Pulling hook line line 1, hold the Internet industry recruitment boss status

Pulling hook just confirmed on August 19, founder and Chairman, pull hook net gain from Qiming lead investor, Bertelsmann Asia investment funds with investment of US $ 25 million series b financing, all funds have been credited into account. The distance evoked networks announced a round of funding, only the last 4 months.

Introduction pulling hook network already has nearly 1 million registered users, total resumes deliveries of more than 3 million people. Already, including Baidu, Alibaba group, Tencent, xiaomi, over more than 20,000 Internet company publishes a job pulling hook, and pull hook as recruiting top talent on the Internet the battleground. Currently network open Internet positions up to 120,000.

Online vertical focused on Internet recruiting network has just set up the pull of 13 months. Currently only 60 employees of the company, worth nearly 800 million Yuan within a year, pull hook network got what?

Bypassing weixin

Market pull-hook of the olive green NET, launched on July 20, 2013. Prior to this, there is another mode is totally different from the idea of "pulling hook net", after more than three months of trying, is simply dropped.

Recruiting ideas originally came from operating solely 3W café experience. In the new tech Café project venture known, some friends found them IT talent alone. Introduced a few times, alone and together created a 3W Madelung energy component of coffee, Bao Aile discuss, why don't we have a hiring website, "earn a little money?"

"At the beginning was to be a Chinese version of linkedIn," Xu said. April 2013 or so, first pulling hook Web lines. But run a month later, the founding team soon found that social recruitment platform thought impassable. Growth is very slow, so few people in "social" anything. Two months later, the team decided to switched gears, doing a pure recruitment of the best product. Looking at "Tools" to do it.

NET's three founders, Xu, Madron, Bao Aile comes from Tencent, it makes them think about pulling hook net future strategic decisions, a layer of consideration. "10,000 steps back, assuming social recruitment platform really has its place, and then their biggest rivals will be the app, and Twitter. "Just say," why do we, Twitter app, as his potential rivals? ”

In mid-May 2013, "LinkedIn" pulling hook NET brewing revision, after more than a month of preparation, design, test, on July 20, 2013, a pure, tool, recruitment Web site pulling hook line online: published by the corporate HR jobs, job seekers to upload and send your resume and eventually matches the job supply and demand.

Details may be able to demonstrate pulling hook nets avoid giant competition policy is reasonable: just before the network announced a week before series b financing, on August 13, 2014, aimed at "working version of the letter" of social apps affectionately, announced its $ 20 million in series b financing. But three days later, will Sina weibo blocked softly news.

As a lever to job seekers: why do we refuse to Tesla?

NET when entering the recruitment industry, traditional hiring pattern has been formed over the years, and competition is fierce. Pull the hook before the body, is to cooperate with, 51, 58, the Chinese have roots in many years, the closely guarded tradition of excellence recruitment platform; pulling hook network around a hunting term, so that in recent years the street has formed a featured recruiting firm and pulling hook behind the net, it is also perpendicular to the Internet recruiting "push" in pursuit.

Simply choose the c-terminal cover for levers, leveraging the online recruitment patterns, and use it to slice rests market cake.

Pulling hook NET constantly want to pattern, variety to curry favor with candidates. They invented the "24-hour fast entry" approach; they require each resume received HR must respond as soon as possible; they ask each job must pay on the Web explicitly. --These, none hit the candidate universal psychological pain point.

Activity of enterprises of certain practices, or even a "gross". Not long ago, Tesla China wants in the pulling hook online job information. But after contact, as Tesla's unwillingness to clear the salary of the position, pulling hook network rejected the Golden Star enterprise. For the same reason, Jingdong pulling hook net jobs have been "off the shelf".

"Well, not that we do not want to service the b side of the enterprise, but, if the networks do not protect the interests of users, users don't come, don't come where you hire? "Pulling hook network CEO Madron explained.

Madron told reporters that from August 20, pulling hook network will be improved by technology, force businesses end to respond to each letter received. "If the business end to receive resumes to discard ignored, more than 20, will not be able to see new resume contact. "Madelung energy component said.

Can withstand the temptation: rhythm is the early success of the company's password

The end of December 2013, promised alone, Madron, Bao Aile discuss pulling hook and several top network strategic planning for years.

Then pulling hook NET was misogynist, money come. Few people venture for several years, for the first time faced "not short of money" situation, but it became a problem how to spend their money.

Madron recalled, all automatics at the time, everyone was very excited. There are voices within, think pulling hook on the network should be "all platforms", and PC side, the app side, htlm5 side, APP-end. Would especially like to develop own APP, and several of the top have had disagreements. But after several discussions, platform-wide plan was abandoned.

"The popularity of mobile, is the general trend, so we think the APP is a historical trend of development network, it goes without saying that rationality. "Simply said," but in the end, we started to discuss the root of a problem, we develop and what exactly is the purpose of the APP. ”

Finally, we reached a consensus: one cannot enter the user's first screen Smartphone APP, for pulling hook network meaningless. Developed, maintained, this APP will consume enormous financial and human resources. Moreover, the APP on the mobile side most of the functions, and pulling hook onto the screen in micro-communication service, function, overlap.

In the final scenario, not only the APP was cut off from the annual plans of the 2014, HTML5 port, has also been cut off. Leaving the PC side and the app side. "Rhythm is the most important of a startup. Any company can know the right thing to do, the question is, at what pace do the right thing. "Madelung energy component explains.

"Smaller companies in the start-up phase, must concentrate on, in the face of temptation, be sure to carry it live, or waste of human and financial resources are small, affecting team morale is a big occasion. "Madelung energy component said.

Although raised $ 25 million, valued at nearly 800 million, but admits that the current revenues, there is no pulling hook net improvement: "revenues are still in the testing phase, there is no sizable income. ”

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