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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/14 8:17:58 Edit(编辑)
Party Secretary of Henan sanmenxia lakeside original bribes involved prosecuted

Party Secretary of Henan sanmenxia lakeside original bribes involved prosecuted

Party Secretary of Henan sanmenxia lakeside original bribes involved former Party Secretary _ prosecuted | sanmenxia lakeside news

Beijing, August 14, according to the Supreme People's Procuratorate, website news, Hubin district, sanmenxia city, Henan province, former Communist Party Secretary Yang Fangcheng (Department level) case of alleged bribery, the Henan provincial people's Procuratorate filed for investigation, legally designated jurisdiction, xuchang city, Henan province, people's Procuratorate, investigation ended, has been made to the xuchang municipal intermediate people's Court of Henan province xuchang city, Henan province, the people's procuratorates shall prosecute.

(Original title: Hubin district, sanmenxia city, Henan, formerly Party Secretary Yang Fangcheng bribes involved prosecuted)

(Edit: SN117)
10:06 August 14, 2014 China News Network

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