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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/14 8:17:35 Edit(编辑)
Office of Central Commission for discipline inspection announced 1 day 10 officers intercepted messages, anti-corruption record brush

Office of Central Commission for discipline inspection announced 1 day 10 officers intercepted messages, anti-corruption record brush

Office of Central Commission for discipline inspection announced 1 day 10 officers intercepted message against corruption and then brush the central anti-corruption records | | Hebei Transportation Bureau Deputy Director _ news

CNS, Beijing, August 14-title: day 10 Hall intercepted messages the Commission against corruption announced another record

Reporter Ma Xueling

"Pan Xiao, Deputy Director of the Office of transportation in Hebei province suspected of serious violation problem, is currently under investigation. ”

The evening of August 13, the Central Commission for discipline inspection and Ministry of supervision sites publish such information. Communist pressure to fight corruption now, one of the Secretaries are being investigated by the Office of messages is not eye-catching, but it is worth noting, it was announced by the Central Commission for discipline inspection on the 10th Department or Bureau level officials who had been investigated and dealt with.

In addition to Hebei Pan Xiao, issued by the Central Commission for discipline inspection on news shows, in qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou province, 3 departmental level cadres were removed and placed, respectively, Liping County, Southeast of Guizhou people's Congress Deputy Director Yang, Deputy Governor of qiandongnan Wu Yubiao, Gu Peng, Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC in qiandongnan Prefecture.

In Hubei, 3 the Department or Bureau level officials have been removed from Office, namely: Mei Zuen, Deputy Director of the people's political consultative conference CPPCC Standing Committee, Economic Committee, and Zhang Yanchen, and Liu Jianjun, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee in xiaogan city.

News release on the same day showed that 3 the Department or Bureau level officials in Shanxi were "double", respectively of Guo Zhongshi, Deputy Secretary of the work Committee for offices directly under the province, provincial government offices administration of the original Ren Yunfeng, former Deputy Mayor of Datong city, and Jin Ruilin.

Beijing, reporters noted that prior to this, 11th, the Central Commission for discipline inspection and Ministry of supervision released 9 website one day news of officials being investigated by the Office, the figure broke earlier this year, "24-hour broadcasting 8 departmental level cadres under investigation" records.

It is worth mentioning that, the Central Commission for discipline inspection and Ministry of supervision Web site announced the day 10 News Bureau-level officials have been investigated and dealt with by the Office, once again set a new record.

Recently, the Department or Bureau level officials focused on was found, which is a microcosm of communist pressure against corruption. Anti-corruption efforts, offer was caused by officials at Lok Ma Chau checkpoint density increase.

According to the Central Commission for discipline inspection and Ministry of supervision website "cases and" informed the punished officials up to the first half of this year of more than 330 people, more than last year's total of "victories". Both the frequency of corruption anti-corruption investigation, or Lok officials rank Monday, citing efforts to fight corruption have been higher than in the first half last year.

In fact, according to incomplete statistics, since the 18, nearly 40 provincial and ministerial level officials and above have been checked, among other things, Zhou Yongkang, due to severe discipline was placed shortly before, makes the party against corruption was in the spotlight.

Public opinion analysis, citing the recent frequently inform the Central Office Information Bureau-level officials punished, intended to form a shock, releasing anti-corruption does not leak to the outside world, corruption does not stop the signal. (End)

00:44 August 14, 2014 China News Network

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