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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/12 4:14:54 Edit(编辑)
Outskirts of celestial bathing, more than 50 people in a roadside pond swimming naked

Outskirts of celestial bathing, more than 50 people in a roadside pond swimming naked

Outskirts of celestial bathing more than 50 people in a roadside pond swimming naked | celestial bathing | skinny _ news

Beijing summer heat now, overcrowding in the swimming pool. Public feedback, Fangshan, a spontaneous body baths. A dozens of sq m large pool, hot afternoon dozens of people gathered here, everyone naked swimming, sunbathing, chatting. Swimmer, referred to here as the man's heaven, women won't appear here, near the female villager said was used deliberately.

  More than 50 people in the pond naked swimming

Citizen King in recent days to six weeks outside Beijing near the road, and stumbled in a pool surrounded by trees and bushes, a lot of people swimming naked.

Reporter the day before yesterday afternoon and find the position in the vicinity of Jing Zhou Luma plane spring business hotel, walk West along a side street after some hundreds of meters, dozens of metres away on the right-hand side of the road, trees and bushes and a dozen cars parked vehicles there in the gap between the naked men walk around.

Approaching journey into amazing caves found here, vehicles surrounded by dozens of square meter oval the size of pond, stocked with lots of clothes and shoes scattered on the shore, a dozen people are swimming in the water on the shore, there are thirty or forty people, more than half were naked. Some people had just undressed, revealing white or dark skin, doing warm-up and some just getting up out of the water, dripping wet, and also sits on the shore of smoke on the steps or make a phone call, and hands flat on the basking on the rocks on the shore, eyes closed facial expression can be seen completely don't care if someone passed around. Some swimmers from other equally naked nude man walked, both naturally or did not look at each other, or feel free to take a look, not ashamed or embarrassed expression on their faces, as well as see ordinary passengers in the bus. Personal fat, belly meat side up and down shaking, drop down the side. Several hot wash cut blow hair of young people riding on the electric car, Park was an excited look on his face, neat and finished off with short sleeves and shorts, running opposing plunge into the pond after a few meters, there was a flop and "cool" sound. Someone posted online that are a paradise for men and women are welcome to, women can be found online in this photo of swimming in the pond, but there seems to have only men.

  Nude bathing has been more than 10 years, just to relax

From the pond can be seen parked cars, dozens of swimmers from all strata of society, reporters quizzed found that many are people who work nearby, also came all the way from the city to white-collar workers, factory workers, pedicab drivers, private employees and migrant workers, ages are three generations of people have.

Talk about why you want to come here to swim, some say it without spending, on the other hand can be skinny. This pond is a spring, then into the water used for irrigation facilities, is said to have been abandoned, this time with an outlet along the half-metre-wide drainage channel flows to the surrounding grass and farmland, which makes this pool does not become stagnant water, avoiding the dirty smell. Spring supplementary water is very cold, about 88 degrees, water depths of about a dozen meters, compared with swimming pool, pure open air, surrounded by vegetation around, the wind blowing through the grass, I feel very comfortable.

Why is swimming naked? Many swimmers said it can totally relax. Says one young man with fashionable hairstyles to bring swimming trunks for the first time, but when I saw everyone naked, herself in a bathing suit looks strange, his companion said they wear a bathing suit may be "loaded". New young people, some are said to be heard here from a friend is swimming naked, admiring, "just could light up here, free, relaxing, what is nature? "No one can say here you can swim naked allusions and origin, as if it is an ancient tradition, a middle-aged man from a nearby factory said he came here more than 10 years we are naked," or at least a dozen years, and want everyone to know, do not know will not come. " Don't feel embarassed naked? Don't worry about being female you see? Several swimming who is calm, they think here was Woods grass surrounded, around no farmland, away from road near hundred meters, except specifically came to swimming of, rarely was appeared, women more is basic does not to, and here of dozens of bit men light with body they also bluntly not embarrassing, "are is big laoyemener, who rare see you Ah", he of companion along he of theory gives has added, "female of General not to here, say see has and how, what era has are".

Nude swimming in they seems nothing, they more worried of is technology level, "to and friends together, or a a people lost has things what, addition if water in out points accident also didn't people care", one swimming who said he heard had without confirmed of rumors said here drowned extraordinary, but not effects he continues to to, "to here are is feasted on of, didn't thing".

  Near the female villagers passing by would purposely not look this way

At this time were his books across the road next to the village, not far from cow Valley village are there, two of the main part of the village is a bit far from here, but out go through this road, for spacing of dozens of meters, time can only be seen from the road, but you do not see very well. One pushed with car after of middle-aged women told reporter, many people to here nude swimming has a long history, "not knows helm began of, have more than 10 years 's, anyway annually summer such", she bluntly has habits has, "and not specifically past see, road Shang also see not clear", she said village away from side somewhat far, and pond there and no farmland, General not needs to that head, she from here after Shi General are deliberately not to there see.

Fangshan district, city officials said the skinny here do not fall within the scope of enforcement, 12345 staff indicated that verify them according to relevant information, details, focusing on verifying the safety aspects of wild swimming. For nude swimming, swimmer, said he knows that there is no clear legislation to be banned, "we were remote places, didn't run to the front of the others, it should be no problem, right? ”

Text and photo/beiqing investigations group

(Original title: suburb discovered celestial Beach)

(Edit: SN146)
02:59 on August 12, 2014 The Beijing Youth daily

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