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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/12 4:14:13 Edit(编辑)
Jiangxi 3 tours of middle school principals to bring faculty be punished

Jiangxi 3 tours of middle school principals to bring faculty be punished

Jiangxi 3 tours of middle school principals to bring faculty be punished | tours _ news

On August 11, the Jiangxi provincial Commission for discipline inspection tours to 5 typical issues briefing. Informed stressed that the tours, especially the use of public money and disguised by using public money to go abroad (border) tour and the "four winds" problem typical of, and must be stopped. Party committees at all levels should seriously assume the main responsibility of uncorrupted, and effectively strengthen the supervision and administration of education and strive to resolve tours such as "four winds" outstanding problems and promote cadres continued to improve. Vast numbers of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres at all levels should set an example by being disciplined will not be allowed under any name to organize and participate in tours or public reception to travel. Commission for discipline inspection at all levels must conscientiously carry out its oversight responsibilities, and accountability for effective discipline and intensify supervision and checks, and severely punished against violations such as tours, informed the sustained exposure of typical problems and resolutely prevent "four winds" issues rebounded.

The typical 5 questions are:

Asset management company of industrial enterprises in donghu district, Nanchang city industry and trade Service Center Manager, Deputy Manager, Peng Jiang Jianping led victory industry trading Service Center Manager Wang Fu min, Yang Jia industrial Service Center Manager, block Tong industrial trade Service Center Manager Deng Zhiqiang, Zi Gu Lu Qiao industry service center, Service Center Manager Li Zuoqun, Army Day public money manager Xiong Guifang, who outbound tourism. Research on donghu District Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee and decided to give Jiang Jianping revoke their party positions, administrative dismissal, given Fu min, Wang, and Deng Zhiqiang, Li Zuoqun a serious warning within the party, and instructed the competent unit be removed; Xiong Guifang is a non-party people, obliging the competent unit be removed; recovered about hand in financial discipline. Manager of Enami donghu district industrial enterprise asset management, which has the lead responsibility to give a serious warning within the party.

Nanchang, Nanchang city, three rivers high school principal Zhu Jingfeng group tours school faculty issues. CE Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee study, decided to grant Zhu Jingfeng a serious warning within the party, obliging the competent unit be removed; recovered about hand in financial discipline.

Anyuan district, Pingxiang Yi Jianhong Wu Pei Zhen Wu Po school principal organized school tours team members questions. Jing Wu Po-Town party committees and Governments to study decisions, giving Yi red warning within the party, giving five Po school vice principal Li administrative warning; recovered about hand in financial discipline.

Guixi city, Tian Lu Wei Yun Center school principal to organize tours of school faculty issues. Guixi city, Director of the supervision Bureau Office will study, decided to grant Wei Yunlai administrative demerit; recovered about hand in financial discipline.

Yushui district of Xinyu City Riverside gaogu village party branch Secretary Gao Deren organizations parts of village Committee cadre Liu Xiaoyu and Zhang Tenggen, Li Xiying, ouyangchunping and other Sightseeing tours abroad on public funds problem. The yushui district Disciplinary Committee and the Standing Committee's decision, give disciplinary Gao Deren withdrawal of party positions, giving Liu Xiaoyu, Zhang Tenggen, Li Xiying, and ouyangchunping a serious warning within the party; recovered about hand in financial discipline. (Jiangxi provincial Commission for discipline inspection)

(Original title: circular 5 tours from typical problems of Jiangxi province will continue to light)

(Edit: SN123)
11:36 on August 12, 2014 The Central Commission for discipline inspection and Ministry of supervision site

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