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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/12 4:10:00 Edit(编辑)
Beauty programme of the Philippines on the South China Sea in the East Asian foreign ministers will go to the wall

Beauty programme of the Philippines on the South China Sea in the East Asian foreign ministers will go to the wall

Filipino-us programme in East Asian foreign ministers will go to the wall on the South China Sea | East Asian foreign ministers raised | _ news

Original title: the United States and the Philippines on the South China Sea in the East Asia cooperation series Foreign Ministers meeting a brick wall

International online news: AP, collaborative series of East Asia Foreign Ministers ' meeting held in Naypyidaw Myanmar recently. Prior to and during the United States and the Philippines, touting its programme on the South China Sea, but was rebuffed.

As far as China and other participating countries officials told reporters that during this Conference, no country on the United States, the so-called "frozen sea initiative" showing interest, nor which countries out into the open at the scene to echo and echo.

Officials said the rendering of individual countries covered in the communiqué issued by the ASEAN Foreign Ministers ' meeting of the South China Sea issue statement appears tense relations between ASEAN and China is completely overblown. Relevant statement is neutral overall, acceptable to both China and ASEAN, which is consistent with the consensus reached in the past between China and ASEAN. Individual countries deliberately exaggerated, just shows the guilty.

Officials said that as regards the Philippines solve the issue raised by three-step programme is mostly deserted. As noted by the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Philippines plan putting content that, seen from the Philippines last year done, let people feel confused and self-contradictory. Because the Philippine side they have skipped the first two steps, all of a sudden come to a national arbitration of this third step, it is actually based on his actions and has betrayed its own programmes. True if the Philippines would like to promote this programme, it should immediately revoke China's arbitration.

(Edit: SN064)
08:02 on August 12, 2014 International online

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