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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/12 4:09:50 Edit(编辑)
An expert involved in the Cambodian army’s Hospital, China deals

An expert involved in the Cambodian army’s Hospital, China deals

An expert involved in the Cambodian army's Hospital in China trading case | kidney trading in Cambodia _ news

"Global times, Qiu Yongzheng", "Cambodian army hospital suspected of involvement in human organ trading, 9 people were arrested", which became the Cambodian media hot issue in the 11th. According to the Cambodia daily and Phnom Penh post and other mainstream media coverage, a specialist in kidney transplants in China are suspected of colluding with senior Cambodian armed forces General Hospital, a "kidney trafficking" was arrested for profiteering, and arrested two Cambodian Defense Ministry generals and 3 Viet Nam people. However, Cambodian military sources told the newspaper reporters, 11th, media reports for further verification, because organs being affected by both sides was "voluntary", so before completion of the final investigation of the police, the media hype as "inappropriate".

"The dark secret of the hospital", 11th the subject from the Phnom Penh Post reported the incident. Allegedly, Jiao·Qiao with his Police Department to combat human trafficking in Phnom Penh confirmed Lieutenant Colonel, 9th Phnom Penh police had broken up an alleged "kidney trafficking" gangs, arrested 9 people involved, including a 51-year old Chinese experts, General Hospital, a President, a Deputy President of the Cambodian armed forces, 3 Viet Nam and 3 other related people. Lieutenant Colonel Joe says: "China is invited to a General Hospital, a Professor, is an expert on kidney transplants. He is not based in Cambodia, will come only when it is needed. 3 Viet Nam people suspected of selling their kidney. "The Cambodian National Police spokesman Ken·dituo said, it was reported to the army's military police Department of the army General Hospital, the military police in collaboration with the police began to look into the matter.

After the incident, Cambodia local sadean Web site reported, several doctors said, this gang of selling human organs in the General Hospital of the armed forces has been in existence for two years. Reports quoted a doctor as saying, on the ground, a kidney, priced between $ 35,000 to $ 40,000, most of the kidney recipients were Chinese citizens, selling his kidney ' are Cambodian citizens, who sold a kidney would get only $ 5000. Cambodia 2012 media also quoted the World Health Organization reported that the kidney organ trading accounted for 75% of the global black market in organ trading. The Cambodia daily said, Cambodian laws expressly prohibit organ trading, and offenders can be sentenced to between 7 and 15 years in prison.

However, the Cambodia daily quoted the Cambodian armed forces General Hospital doctor NARA has expressed a different opinion: "kidney was not for sale, no one is willing to sell their kidneys, and if improper operation, the transplanted kidney decline after just 40 minutes. "11th CAF sources have told reporter for global times, the case is still under investigation, the facts may not be as exciting as media hype, because kidney donated by the two sides is" completely voluntary ", and in most cases are" among relatives to donate. " In addition, Chinese experts is being questioned by police was "quite important" because he is responsible for Cambodia's kidney transplant surgeon full training.

In fact, the Cambodian Defense Minister Di Ban 10th morning inspected the troops, General Hospital, and categorically denied that the army General Hospital involved in a "kidney trafficking ring". He said, "I've heard reports, but surgery is voluntary, there is no trading relationship. I've been visiting patients, the operation was very successful. "Di Ban also said that Viet Nam to Cambodian armed forces General Hospital patients for help," they come often, twinning, one doctor, another person is willing to give up their organs, so kidney transplant would only be available in cases of consensual. ”

Chinese and overseas Chinese in the case of considerable concern in Phnom Penh. Liu, doing business in Phnom Penh told the global Times newspaper reporter: "hope that the Cambodian armed forces and the police will prompt a thorough and complete investigation reports to the society, otherwise it will cause a negative impact on the Cambodian-Chinese, these days, there is always a Cambodian local friend asked me if it was true or false. In addition, Cambodia has a multitude of local social networks more adverse rumours. ”

(Edit: SN064)
06:50 on August 12, 2014 The World Wide Web

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