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Eclipse 4.2.2 For Win32
aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/12 4:09:45 Edit(编辑)
A Chinese national suspected in Japan arrested for selling fake liuka

A Chinese national suspected in Japan arrested for selling fake liuka

A Chinese national suspected in Japan _ arrest Chinese arrested for selling fake liuka | news

"The globe and mail reporter Wang Huan," according to Japan's Jiji reported on August 12, Japan Aichi police 11th on suspicion of violation of the immigration control and refugee recognition Act, was arrested on suspicion of buying fake cards home unemployed Yang Baoli of Chinese nationality. Police also believe Yang Baoli is likely to sell false liuka as a medium, is investigating.

Reports that Chinese Chen Dejun previously for violations of the Immigration Act forged liuka were prosecuted. Yang Baoli was arrested on or around January 26 made Chen Dejun forged cards and charge cards by courier. It is reported that Yang Baoli testify in Japan looking for work off the card.

Police had confiscated from Chen Dejun home computers and other items were found in several other Chinese people forged by Yang Baoli delegate card records. Police believe Yang Baoli may accept orders through online forums and Chen Dejun sold fake counterfeit cards to illegal aliens from China.

(Edit: SN123)
08:40 on August 12, 2014 The World Wide Web

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