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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/12 2:40:38 Edit(编辑)
Tang: Microsoft in the antitrust investigation of boiling

Tang: Microsoft in the antitrust investigation of boiling

Tang: scapegoat-Microsoft in the antitrust investigation of Microsoft be investigated, antitrust, antitrust-IT news Tang: Microsoft in the antitrust investigation of boiling

State administration for industry and Commerce recently asked Microsoft to strictly abide by Chinese laws, shall not in any way interfere with or obstruct the Administration for industry and commerce to antitrust investigations of Microsoft.

Microsoft Windows and the Office's dominance and monopoly in the market for a long time, but in recent years due to the impact of Apple and Android, its market share has fallen. Some might question why 10 years ago when Microsoft's dominance is not subject to antitrust investigations, today suffered a serious investigation?

It is understood that Microsoft's monopoly, four offices by the State administration for industry and Commerce investigated not because of purported bundling, but Microsoft's reported by a number of businesses, report it via some unconventional means of forced sales to Microsoft products.

Microsoft Windows and Office are virtually all the company's products, for various reasons, not all the products you use are licensed or acquired through normal channels. Microsoft introduced into China beginning in 1994, clearly aware of this, Microsoft is used to capture the market training users, then slowly gains marketing strategy.

In 1999, Microsoft tried to marketing by way of combating piracy, under the circumstances at that time, Microsoft met with Government, the media, academics and consumer backlash. Prominent IT figure Fang xingdong once shelling of Microsoft publicly challenge Microsoft's anti-piracy sales model, Microsoft encountered unprecedented pressure of public opinion.

In 2002, I served as President of Microsoft China's primary task is to resolve the public's negative impact on Microsoft to combat piracy, and change through legal means to combat piracy in the past sales patterns, and the "Microsoft and China's growing software" slogan, these moves began to alter the public's impression of Microsoft.

Now, many Chinese companies have been licensed, Microsoft also gained considerable economic benefits. However, they did not meet Microsoft's "performance" targets.

Microsoft of dealer more is playing with Microsoft of banner through various way on many SMEs start, some is through phone way for asked, some is is sent lawyer letter, more has is who is directly reported led to some company by business management sector of survey, these in is big degree Shang caused has China enterprise on Microsoft antipathy, many enterprise began on Microsoft for complaints and heads, this is was survey of most important of causes.

As far as I know about Microsoft, I personally think that this kind of sales strategy should not made by Microsoft, nor is Microsoft, but Microsoft would back such criticism.

At present, roughly estimate the industry believes that Microsoft's Windows operating system has a market share of more than 97%, but without any indication that such a market will change. While Chinese companies have some operating system, but the lack of application support, so the result is: in addition to Microsoft, no other choice.

Microsoft, the Microsoft case under investigation does not, because the period under investigation and some foreign automakers, and so on. In China, countless industries dominated by foreign manufacturers, but Microsoft's monopoly is not by other manufacturers, is also the most powerful, in my opinion, this is a warning to the monopolies, would like to play a demonstration effect.

This event, the most important for Microsoft to make dealers aware, marketing in China, is still needed in traditional habits. That is the feeling, reason and law, and, finally, law, reasonably, could not be rushed.

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