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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/7/27 17:52:49 Edit(编辑)
Place your right hand: the Japan research and development “shook remote“ device,

Place your right hand: the Japan research and development “shook remote“ device,

Place your right hand: the Japan research and development "shook remote" device-remote hand, sensors, scientific discoveries-IT news Place your right hand: the Japan research and development "shook remote" device

This article from the science and technology daily

According to Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, July 24 (Xinhua blue construction) online video chatting in General can only let you see each other's faces, and Japan a team has developed a new device can be exchanged through the network, and data such as power, oceans apart two friends realize "shook remote."

Associate Professor, Toyohashi University of technology team led by Takashi Miyoshi code developed in this remote device shaking hands, about 15 cm high. The devices to lend a robotic arm equipped with one part of the model include wrist to fingertips. In different places is another similar device.

New device can be used for games such as wrestling and tug-of-war, blind and deaf people can also use it as a means of communication. However, due to the new device does not give each finger sensor is installed, so we can not reproduce part of the finger grip.

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