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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/7/27 17:51:52 Edit(编辑)
Google’s first half of 2014: spend, spend, spend,

Google’s first half of 2014: spend, spend, spend,

Google's first half of 2014: spend, spend, spend money, Google, Google-IT information Google's first half of 2014: spend, spend, spend

On July 26, due to Internet search giant Google has been busy expanding its business scope and spending on acquisitions in the first half of the year reached 4.2 billion u.s. dollars. For three times more than doubled from a year earlier.

According to Google on Friday submitted the relevant documents showing that in February this year a $ 3.2 billion acquisition of intelligent home devices Nest Labs, and spend $ 1 billion to acquire other companies. By contrast, Google's spending on acquisitions alone from a year earlier to 1.3 billion dollars.

In spending on acquisitions in the first half of this year does not include the $ 1 billion acquisition of home video surveillance company Dropcam startups Skybox Imaging and micro-satellites, because the two deals in the first half of the year is not yet complete.

Google acquisition spending suddenly soaring lies in support of its core search business, is also expanding its business scope to mobile, Telecom, and unmanned areas. Smaller acquisitions this year have covered UAV, video advertising fields abound.

The filing, the company said: "these acquisitions would generally enhance the breadth and depth of our engineering, and is expandable to other functional areas, improving our technology and increase our product types. ”

Google also disclosed in that document, United States Texas Attorney General's Office for an antitrust investigation into Google's core search engine business have ended. In July 2010, the Texas Attorney General's Office began investigating the actions of Google presence weakens competition.

Last year, the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has reached a settlement with Google, put an end to the search giant 20-month antitrust investigation. In February, European Union antitrust regulators have also reached a settlement with Google over antitrust issues. Google in the search results, in a similar way to promote their services, display search results from competitors. Introduced at the beginning of the agreement, has been a lot of commentary.

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