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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/7/16 9:12:25 Edit(编辑)
Guizhou 10 oil tankers were caused by heavy rains washed away the tracks

Guizhou 10 oil tankers were caused by heavy rains washed away the tracks

Heavy rain in Guizhou | 10 oil tankers were swept off the tracks caused by heavy rain in Guizhou | tankers _ news

Xinhuanet, Guiyang, July 16 (reporter Li Jingya)-due to continuous heavy rains triggered mudslides in Guizhou enterprise led to 10 oil tankers were rushed out of the railway, and there were no casualties.

Reporters learned from the departments concerned, 16th at 16 o'clock, due to persistent heavy rains have triggered landslides, petroleum company limited, Guizhou province of China Aviation oil group dedicated 10 oil tankers to stay away from the tracks, 5 heavy vehicles, 5 of which are empty, there were no immediate reports of casualties. Since the accident happened within the business lines, and has no impact on normal railway transport.

At present, the relief and rescue work was orderly.

(Edit: SN117)
18:36 on July 16, 2014 Xinhua NET

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