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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/7/16 9:12:23 Edit(编辑)
Guangzhou Railway Canal 44 trains affected by torrential rains in Hunan outage

Guangzhou Railway Canal 44 trains affected by torrential rains in Hunan outage

Guangzhou Railway Canal 44 trains affected by the torrential rains in Hunan province Hunan storm outage | | trains stopped operating _ news

Xinhuanet, Changsha, July 16 (reporter Shi Weiyan)-under the influence of continuous heavy rains triggered floods in Hunan province, Guangzhou Railway Canal from July 16 to 18th part of the temporary passenger trains stopped, as at present, determine up to 44 buses stopped here. Railway authorities said that follow-up rainfall, geological hazards and vehicle turn-around situations, there may be more trains stopped.

It is reported that the storm passing through Shanghai-Kunming railway, Chongqing-Huaihua railway, Jiao-Liu railway trains in Hunan province hardest hit.

On July 16, K336/3,K946/7,K1078/5,K425/8,K110,K807,K478/5,K71/4,K1248/5,K492,7273,7274,7275,T8303,T8304,K652/3,7271,7272,K1473,K488/5,T8308/9,T8310/07,7269,7270,7265,7266, 7267,1901, K833,K848/5,K109,K1262,K1261, and other trips temporarily suspended. Shenzhen West run K9064/5 to Huaihua station terminates.

On July 17, K942/3,K476/7,K1251/0,K491,K1262,K967/6,K486/7,1902,K1078/5,K204/1 trips, such as a temporary outage. TONGREN K9063/6 times changed in Huaihua station of origin.

On July 18, K2288/5 a temporary outage.

(Edit: SN117)
16:51 on July 16, 2014 Xinhua NET

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