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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/7/16 9:12:03 Edit(编辑)
Guangzhou bus arson crime or involved in Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway destruction case

Guangzhou bus arson crime or involved in Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway destruction case

Guangzhou bus arson crime or involved in Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway destruction case | | Wuhan – Guangzhou high-speed rail transit arson _ news

The Beijing News (Xinhua Zhao Li Xiao Hui intern Sun Beibei) today, the southern weekend reported that Guangzhou 301 bus explosion incidents the suspect identified as the town of hengnan County, Hunan province, Wei Zhou Zhu Yacun group in Europe for a long time, local police have moved into the village to investigate.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, hengnan County Public Security Bureau political head of a man surnamed Luo said Beijing News reporter, suspects in Europe might even be June 25, Wuhan Hengyang section of being vandalism.

The official said Europe and explain to the police in Guangzhou, destruction of high-speed rail is what. "There he confessed, but we still need to confirm. "Reportedly, the cases handled by the task force in charge of investigating high-speed destruction case.

On July 7, surging news, the evening of June 25, Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway, hengnan, gathered in the town suspected of being sabotaged the tracks, leading to high speed rail G6116 outage. Passengers have to guard shoot the photo, "is someone deliberately placed on the tracks of the triangle obstacle and a long iron bar, then long iron bar stuck wheels, forcing drivers to speed can not be stopped."

Netizen Tan photos show, Hengyang City, Hengyang Public Security Bureau and the Railway Police Department on July 8 issued a reward notice "recently, hengnan County, territory of a criminal case, scene, wrench, cutter blades, plates and other items ... ... Criminal suspects about 1.70 meters tall, medium body lean, often riding a red men's motorcycle may metalworking skills such as welding, cutting, drilling ".

Today, Wei Zhou Zhen Zhu Ya Cun village, near Shaohua Chen told the Beijing News reporter, Ou Changsheng just out of elementary school to work, come back about once a year, most recent home was 20 days more days ago, only stayed for 4 days. Father is a farmer in Europe, the mother suffers from mental illness, had been ill for several years, lost the ability to work.

(Edit: SN117)
21:47 on July 16, 2014 Beijing News Network

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