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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/16 8:31:41 Edit(编辑)
Mediatek: next year,

Mediatek: next year,

Mediatek:-chips for next year, a 64-bit processor-IT news Mediatek: next year

After announcing the new 64-bit real eight-core processor MT6795, General Manager of mediatek Xie Qingjiang said 2015 is expected to launch mass production of 20nm process, is also preparing to process progress to the 16nm, and continued to collaborate with ARM, framework design, has no immediate plans to develop the processor architecture. To rumors that will work with Google Chromebook, mediatek has yet responded.

Mediatek General Manager Xie Qingjiang from Shenzhen new products released will be interviewed after the meeting, said mediatek is expected to be launched in 2015, 20nm process, also will be in 2015 years 16nm process technology progress. Processor architecture will remain using the ARM designs, plans are not yet developed processor architectures.

Compared to rival Qualcomm MSM8994 processor 20nm process the end of the year is known, mediatek enter 20nm process seems to be slower. In part of the processor architecture, Qualcomm expects higher-order 64-bit architecture processors Snapdragon 810, Snapdragon 808 shift ARM big. LITTLE architecture, without using their own Krait designs, perhaps shortening the development speed and rapid response to market demand-related.

Recently mediatek will join Google rumored cooperation Chromebook processor supply, Xie Qingjiang said that at present there is no such plan, but has not ruled out such cooperation possible. In response, Xie Qingjiang said mediatek will continue to focus on LTE next with 64-bit architecture applications market development.

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