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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/9 2:28:54 Edit(编辑)
The Divine Comedy the little Apple, hidden “brainwashing“: rhythm of mystery,

The Divine Comedy the little Apple, hidden “brainwashing“: rhythm of mystery,

The Divine Comedy the little Apple, hidden "brainwashing": rhythm mystery-Apple, the Divine Comedy, chopsticks brothers old boys, the coolest national wind, South style-IT information The Divine Comedy the little Apple, hidden "brainwashing": rhythm mystery

"You are my small small apples, like most beautiful clouds on the horizon ... ..." If you haven't heard the song of the little Apple was too OUT. This new song first spread from the Internet at the moment, seems to have taken the Phoenix legend and psy Thunder into a new generation of square dance "the Divine Comedy". From the coolest national wind to of the Jiangnan style, and as such the little Apple, in recent years, wave after wave of "Divine Comedy" series of strikes, was overwhelmed. The face of it, these "Divine Comedy" road to fame seems to be a strange thing which, if seriously analyzing, hiding behind this special sense.

Spam, it is for the "viral marketing"

Last half month, a lot of people's social networking page is frequently the little Apple, "spam", Mall radio, ringtones, square dance accompaniment, are also filled with the song "the Divine Comedy" the melody. Li Xiaolu, and many users to imitate the singing stars jumped the little Apple, online video, there are almost 2000, one accompanied by the little Apple, dance to the tune of "Flash" video, viewed more than 30 million times. The little Apple also quickly occupy the major music charts, a great scene to reproduce when the Jiangnan style was sweeping the country.

The little Apple quickly became popular, some people hide behind smiling, who is a film of the old boys of the fierce Dragon crosses the river behind the marketing team. In fact, the works of the little Apple, not professional musicians, but by the Internet sensation "chopsticks brother" Wang fencing made of a combination of, the true face of this song is "chopsticks brothers" starring movie old boy promotional track of the fierce Dragon crosses the river. According to TV plus pictures of the old boys of the fierce Dragon crosses the river advocacy group, Zhai Hongyuan staff revealed that earlier in the launch of the Apple online, precisely in order to give the movie, and will also serve as an important clue on this song appeared in the film.

"When we get this song last year, had a feeling the song fire. "Zhai Hongyuan said the little Apple, this song was eventually set for film propaganda weapon," because it's tonality is retro, the popular and lively, rhythmic single, suitable for transmission. "She said that, in order to get this song on" altar "to conduct a series of promotion, whether emerging dance instructional video on the Web, is the" Flash mob "events are planned well in advance of" viral marketing "campaign. Chip also was carried out in two or three cities a planned extension, Granny square dance around, it has virtually become the major contributing factor to this song.

Brainwashing, "the Divine Comedy" hid in the spectrum of mystery

The little Apple, appeared at first glance, there are many users found that "you are my small small Apple" the sentence melody, just like another song "the Divine Comedy" in the most ostentatious national wind's "you are my most beautiful clouds on the horizon". A lot of people can sing a whole song on hear and melody has also been lingering in my mind, these sorts of "brainwashing" the general effect is that many "Divine Comedy" common features.

In fact, the audience that "can not stop" reaction in the eyes of professional music is easy to explain. National Centre for art universal Department head Fang Lijun on from music theory angle on "Divine Comedy" for has a analysis: "General dance are is 43 took of, relative complex, but small Apple and most dazzle national wind, ' Divine Comedy ' are is 44 took or 42 took, ' dub dub ', rhythm of law dynamic more strong, also relative simple, special easy led mood. ”

Repeated over and over in a song with a melody, but also "the Divine Comedy" is different from a feature of common songs. Fang Lijun pointed out that, regardless of is most dazzle national wind also is small Apple, in structure Shang are has must of similar sex, "General songs of structure are is has a ' began-foreshadowing-climax-fell ' of process, is 'ABA' or 'AB' of mode; but these Divine Comedy, almost are is ' a a, what ', at most do has some variations and plus spent of processing, structure Shang is A-A1-A2-A3, break has general songs creation of structure law. ”

Square dance, don't expect to get any history remembered

Who is the ancient "Divine Comedy" the biggest fans? I'm afraid not belong to Granny square dance groups. The most ostentatious of the Jiangnan style of folk songs to the little Apple, all sung a moment of "Divine Comedy" without their approval. Some scholars cite "eurhythmics" to explain, because humans would develop on synaesthesia of sound rhythm and body rhythms, so faculty can be used direct response to emotions. In other words, the aunties are expressed in dance form with songs like it.

In this regard, Fang Lijun said that judging from the adapter, and became popular in recent years, "the Divine Comedy" mostly using acoustic instruments and strong drums, form much like the 80 's of last century the popular disco style, makes it easy for listeners to "high". For example some time ago has set off by a mobile APP developer "civil society roll" video camera activity, its use of music in the background is former disco dance music. Fang Lijun believes that these "Divine Comedy" singing high, delicate little parts, "this rhythm is especially good for dancing and aunties, all forehand, it's easy to step on beat jumps up. ”

However, Wuhan University, Arts Faculty Professor and student Orchestra instructor Jiang Baian troupe with all due respect, in the square dance of "the Divine Comedy" pretend that it is in fact a metronome feature, long lost songs of aesthetic values, and thus do not need to discuss their cultural identity. "It is a commercial operation as well as a fast-food culture. We see the ' Divine Comedy ' always be replaced by a grant of land, it is difficult to survive. They like ' beautiful garbage ', no cultural heritage value, also cannot appear to be calming. "Jiang Baian says.

Pictured in the movie old boy fierce Dragon crosses the River on the premiere, the "chopstick brothers" on a large jump of the little Apple.

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