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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/9 2:28:27 Edit(编辑)
Millet bracelet is expected to be released this month: more than just bracelets,

Millet bracelet is expected to be released this month: more than just bracelets,

Millet bracelet is expected to be released this month: more than just bracelets bracelet-millet, millet-IT news Millet bracelet is expected to be released this month: more than just bracelets

About millet doing in line message has been spread around, especially late last month Lei I deliberately expose their pictures bracelet Hou also caused widespread speculation, now the news was confirmed by the experts in the industry. Old-enthused microblogging mobile China Alliance Secretary-General said the bracelet real millet has seen, and said "in the planning of millet bracelet is more than just bracelets, believes the listing in these areas will allow companies that have released similar products to reflect."

With MIUI ecosystem gradually improved, millet with healthy wearable device is not difficult, and can add more information. But now the whole industry is in a downturn, Central, users less than enthusiastic, millet launch will have its doorway to talk about at this time, just as the old-enthused that "not only bracelets".

Multipart message showed that the millet will hold a new Conference this month, bracelets are probably among the millet. "Do things or worry about price of millet" is worth buying, can toss out new tricks, we'll see.

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