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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/5 8:38:16 Edit(编辑)
Investigation with off-road vehicles in Inner Mongolia cover number plate horse events

Investigation with off-road vehicles in Inner Mongolia cover number plate horse events

Investigation with off-road vehicles block the number plate horse events in Inner Mongolia | block plate | en masse _ news

People's daily Beijing, July 4, according to Inner Mongolia, discipline inspection and supervision network news, July 4, 2014, the people's daily reported "large SUVs in Xilin GOL League grassland pastoral areas cover plate, collecting folk songs ' en masse '" thing. For cases where the reports reflect, Wang, Party Secretary of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, the regional government Chairman Patel, Secretary of the autonomous regional Commission for discipline inspection of tension and other State leaders convened a special meeting to make arrangements, entrust the autonomous regional Commission for discipline inspection and investigation, Xilin GOL League, composed of Commission for discipline inspection group, to investigate the matter immediately. Secretary Wang asked, to quickly investigate, carefully check for disciplinary problems. If disciplinary problems, once verified, processed in strict accordance with the relevant provisions, and announced to the public in a timely manner.

At present, the autonomous regional Commission for discipline inspection has started investigation on the matter.

(Edit: SN123)
22:55 on July 04, 2014 People's daily online

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