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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/5 8:38:12 Edit(编辑)
Hunan’s Luxi 319 national road 30 landslides caused by storm, traffic interruptions

Hunan’s Luxi 319 national road 30 landslides caused by storm, traffic interruptions

Hunan's Luxi 319 national road 30 landslide caused by rainstorm traffic interruption | torrential rains in Hunan province _ news

CNS,, July 4 (reporters and Xiang Min and and Yang Shifang)-July 3, Luxi County, Hunan, heavy rains, causing Highway occurred in water, the road side slope of subgrade collapse and landslide hazards, paragraph 319 national highway Luxi collapse the traffic was interrupted.

According to preliminary statistics, as July 4 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, territory 319 State road along occurred size slope, and roadbed collapsed collapsed danger more than 30 over at, more at terrain low-lying sections road had water, especially 319 State Road wash Brook, and Tan Brook segment danger is serious, in insufficient 1 km range within occurred 4 at highway roadbed collapsed collapsed danger, most serious at road only left 1 meters, collapse volume about more than 50,000 over cubic meters, state road traffic was forced to interrupted, past vehicles only around often Kat Highway and line.

Dangerous situations occurred, the County Highway Bureau immediately launched emergency plans and dangerous situations organize emergency rescue teams rushed to the scene for emergency overnight Rob, set safety warning sign isolated incidents in a timely manner areas, mobilization of machinery to clear roads of landslides and remind the people and masses, ahead for information on road conditions before travel time around through geological disaster-prone stretch of road is to look ahead and notice that the safe passage. Meanwhile, arrangements shall be prepared to traffic control, dangerous situations on the road 24 hours on duty.

At present, the rescue work is being carried out is estimated to take 7 days of intensive dredging, passing vehicles to normal traffic. (End)

(Original title: Hunan's Luxi 319 national road over more than 30 landslides caused by storm traffic interruption)

(Edit: SN098)
19:46 on July 04, 2014 China News Network

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