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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/5 8:38:06 Edit(编辑)
Hubei Yichang sparrows eat rice and death without direct contact

Hubei Yichang sparrows eat rice and death without direct contact

Hubei Yichang sparrows eat rice and death without direct contact | death sparrows eat rice-news

Xinhuanet, Wuhan, July 4 (reporter Li Siyuan)-"terminals scattered rice Sparrow feeding a mass death official: stuffed dead" network message, Yichang city, Hubei Province, authorities posted a message on 4th and 11 o'clock on that day, in Hubei Province, experts concluded that Sparrow died of furadan poisoning, rice did not directly contact with the Ferry Pier transport.

News said, July 3 morning, Hubei Province plant protection terminus (province pesticide verification management), and Hubei Province agricultural quality security detection Center, units of expert rushed to the Yichang; expert were has heard has Yichang City Public Security Bureau, and TGP food drug test detection Center, and Yichang City Forestry Council, and Yichang City agricultural quality security supervision detection station, and Yichang city food drug regulatory Council, related sector situation introduced, view has detection institutions on rice, and death Sparrow crop content real sample, and site environment sample of detection report and the related Atlas And experts to guide food and drug inspection and testing center of the three gorges by high performance liquid chromatography method for testing, carbofuran reconfirmed Sparrow found in the crop composition, with the Public Security Bureau of Yichang city, using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry methods for consistent results.

Expert analysis to judge: the Sparrow causes of death for carbofuran poisoning; current inspection report shows that death and Terminal transportation of rice is not directly linked to the Sparrow; caused by related departments of the Sparrow carbofuran poisoning death of sources for further research.

Public Security Bureau of Yichang, the three gorges, Yichang city, Center of food and drug inspection, soil and fertilizer station, agricultural products quality safety supervision and inspection station, Yichang city, scattered beneath the Terminal conveyor belts of rice, corn, bran and soil sampling analysis results showed that the stevedoring carbofuran are not included in the debris and soil composition.

Currently, Yichang Yichang city, Public Security Bureau, the food and drug administration, Yichang City Bureau of agriculture under the wharf surrounding pesticide sales, farmers use pesticides for investigation, sources of trace carbofuran.

(Edit: SN098)
18:25 on July 04, 2014 Xinhua NET

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