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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/5 8:37:51 Edit(编辑)
Health Planning Committee: 90% mobile vaccination rate for children of school age in China

Health Planning Committee: 90% mobile vaccination rate for children of school age in China

Health Planning Committee: mobile vaccination rate for children of school age in China 90% | to immunize children _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 5 (reporter Hu Hao)-national health organized by the family planning Commission in Beijing on 5th Forum on urbanization and social integration of floating population in the new figures show that equalization of basic public services in health and family planning of the floating population in China success mobile maternal hospital delivery rate and flow rate of vaccination of children of school age to 95% and 90% respectively.

Large-scale migration of population flows is in the process of China's industrialization and urbanization of the most significant demographic phenomenon. Statistics data show that in 2012, China's floating population reached 236 million people, the equivalent of one out of every 6 people one is floating.

According to the State Health Commission projected 2012 floating married women of childbearing age about 63.07 million people in China, accounting for nearly one-fourth of married women of childbearing age. Migrant families number of children born in the previous year accounted for one-third of the national births over the same period, the proportion of pregnant women who choose to give birth in residence is close to 70%. In maternal and child health care, vaccination and other aspects of health management, mobile maternal and child is the focus of attention should be the crowd. Meanwhile, the new generation of migrants living together before marriage, premarital pregnancy, reproductive health issues are more prominent.

Through the strengthening of health family planning, such as equalization of basic public health services of the floating population, improved mobile maternal and child health services in our country, in 2013, the mobile maternity hospital delivery rate of 95% per cent, built up during pregnancy 92%, accepted 100% had at least one prenatal check. Meanwhile, migrant children to establish base covering the whole of the vaccination card, 90% the flow of school-age children received the vaccine under the national immunization programme.

Figures released by the National Commission for health also showed that most parts of our country implements family planning of migrants now living in free services, free coverage of contraceptive services of the floating population of more than 98%.

(Original title: national health and family planning: mobile vaccination rate for children of school age in China 90%)

(Edit: SN098)
17:04 July 05, 2014 The Government's website

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