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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/5 8:35:18 Edit(编辑)
US media: the United States will go to China to look for creative inspiration

US media: the United States will go to China to look for creative inspiration

US media: the United States should go to China and find creative inspiration-creative, the Internet-IT news US media: the United States will go to China to look for creative inspiration

United States the Wired Magazine Web site July 3 article, topic: innovation in China has exceeded its "fast track" fame now is breaking down any notion of treating them as followers. China's "follow the leader" concept has been disproportionately exaggerated. It is clear that at present China is the innovation of country, is defined in a variety of ways to search, business, society, entertainment and advertising markets.

Began by mimicking the United States was able to grow as technology giants in the tech industry, China now has 4 of the world's 10 biggest Internet and technology companies. Impressive is that 3 of these 4 companies rank among the world's top 10 from last year. China's economic growth has become increasingly closed mobile Internet, conviction and passion of its leaders should not be underestimated. Now only needs to be changed is a foreigner's views on innovation in China. China's is the first to explore while the United States still in its infancy, a few examples.

First, big market. Although China has a staggering 618 million Internet users, but still less than half of its potential. In addition, there are 500 million mobile Internet users in China and 301 million net buying.

Second, China has the world's largest and fastest growing mobile communications companies. Starting in 2012, China has the largest smartphone market. Millet is seeking to put pressure on Apple, not by copying but by innovation. Is already the 3rd largest in China and the world's 6th largest handset maker millet to become bigger. Microsoft is playing catch-up by opening stores in China, but whether or not it's too late?

Third, social information users in China than the United States population. Most of its top firms have their own information services platform. These tech giants knows the value of information, are closely watching how the user to communicate by mobile phone.

Four, mobile e-commerce business in China in a leading position. In China, mobile users can manage their money through cell phones, take a taxi, even money-market funds. In the United States, such activities are far from universal such as China.

Five in China, innovation can be tough, but worth it. Due to the development of Chinese market quite different from the United States market, (e) ecosystem and user behavior than the United States is complex. If they can build successful products in China, can be anywhere in the world to get what they want it to be. Perhaps, this is the United States look to China for inspiration when I anymore.

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