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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/1 8:27:12 Edit(编辑)
India signed a memorandum of Yarlung zangbo River hydrological information is shared

India signed a memorandum of Yarlung zangbo River hydrological information is shared

India signed a memorandum to share hydrological information | |-Indian relations in the Yarlung zangbo River Brahmaputra _ news

"Global times reported," according to the India express reported on June 30, is visiting India Vice President Ansari with Chinese leaders the same day to witness the signing of three memorandums.

First on Chinese companies in India-building industrial park agreement, India wanted China to India industrial park, set up 4 different States, the two sides agreed to further expand the scope of bilateral trade and investment cooperation. Second is a memorandum on the Yarlung zangbo River hydrological information is shared by both sides, the third memo regular interaction framework will establish both administrative officials, to learn from each other's best practices.

(Edit: SN067)
02:40 on July 01, 2014 The World Wide Web

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