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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/1 8:26:56 Edit(编辑)
Henan official working hours watching TV was removed from Office

Henan official working hours watching TV was removed from Office

Henan official working hours watching TV dramas deposed | officials Internet access to watch TV while you work _ news

Xinhuanet, Zhengzhou, July 1 (reporter Li Yanan)-xinyang city, Henan province, discipline Inspection Commission has recently released two public service disciplinary cases. Among them, a Bureau official working hours watching TV was dismissed, another bus to send their daughters to school disciplinary action was taken.

Xinyang Municipal Commission for discipline inspection reported that on May 30, Director of the local taxation Bureau of Shangcheng County tax assessment office Hu Mingju, xinyang city work time watching network television; write deep inspection has ordered Hu Mingju, relieved from the tax assessment Office Director to cancel annual assessment to evaluate qualifications, and to hold leaders accountable.

Xinyang Municipal Commission for discipline inspection also reported that on March 24, the xinyang municipal Bureau of traffic administration finance section chief Yu Cheng June driving the rural highway SC1339 bus to send their daughters to school. Study on xinyang City Transportation Bureau decided to grant administrative warning Cheng June, and are borne by the individual fuel charge.

15:31 on July 01, 2014 Xinhua NET

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