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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/1 8:26:52 Edit(编辑)
Help nuns in Tibet increased learning training courses

Help nuns in Tibet increased learning training courses

Help nuns in Tibet increased learning courses | | nuns in Tibet _ news

China News Agency, Lhasa, June 30 (baimazhuoma) nearly six years old, Shi dazhen will first out of Lhasa, Shannan, nyingchi and other places visited and paid homage, she told news agency reporters, thanks to official in Tibet launched a training initiative.

Nun training activities sponsored by the women's Federation of Tibet Autonomous Region in Lhasa on June 30 opening, there were already ten such training was organized. Tibet women's Federation President jiangcuolamu said that the nun as an important group of Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism has played an active role in the inheritance.

Participate in this training-26 teachers from 8 counties in Lhasa, 9 temple with an average age of 39 years, primary and middle schools with 5 people to 20 people. Among them, 5 people belonging to the Gelug and Nyingma 6, Kagyu, 15.

According to the organizers, this year's 11-day training, for teachers to provide a basic knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism, the regulations on religious affairs approaches, women's health knowledge and so on. In addition, the course will also visit, Shannan, linzhi visited the two places, visit Hong Kong Temple.

NI Shi dazhen from Lhasa, quxur County, 58 years old this year. Dazhen said, she didn't leave Lhasa, from small to large, usually to study Buddhism in the temple, in Lhasa, Chinese new year holiday will go to stock up on groceries.

Dazhen learned that this training was very excited after the meeting. She said heard South of Nyingma monasteries more Nyingma myself, this time able to communicate with them.

NI Shi Cangjue, doilungdêqên County said, "before we only focus on the Dharma study and now wants to learn a little knowledge of laws and regulations, the training satisfies the desire". (End)

(Original title: Tibetan nun growing knowledge training course)

(Edit: SN063)
15:23 on June 30, 2014 China News Network

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