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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/1 8:26:29 Edit(编辑)
Guangdong, a Deputy Police Chief who surrendered themselves after taking bribes has been sentenced to 5 years

Guangdong, a Deputy Police Chief who surrendered themselves after taking bribes has been sentenced to 5 years

Guangdong, a Deputy Police Chief who surrendered themselves after taking bribes has been sentenced to 5 years of bribery | | corruption _ news

South reporter shortly after Ren Xianbo Huo Yao bribery to surrender, had a chance to make illegal? As Guangdong Province, former Deputy Director of the civil defense cases---Mo Yuanhang important clues in a corruption case Lianjiang branch of the Public Security Bureau Deputy Director Liang Guangzhou, Jiangmen city bribery case last year by the Zhuhai city intermediate people's Court after the sentencing, Liang Guangzhou appealed to the provincial higher people's Court. Recently, the Guangdong Province higher people's Court after the second instance upheld the first instance decision, sentenced Liang Guangzhou sentenced to 5 years.

In November 2008, Red Ridge quarries for the illegal manufacture of explosives by the Jiangmen Public Security Bureau in Lianjiang branch investigation Hong Ling Shi Chang Hwang was arrested by the legal representative. In December 2008, Chen Hong Ling Shi Chang shareholders somebody find surnamed Jiang, Chen b, hope River help us find a relationship to the Red Ridge quarries case leniently dealt with. In this way, found Jiang Liang Guangzhou, Liang Guangzhou accept friends, Red Ridge quarries in the illicit manufacture of explosives cases dealt with during each other's interests, and twice received somebody, Chen Chen Hong Ling Shi Chang shareholders send person b, who passed the River on whose behalf the bribe of 300,000 yuan in cash.

But at Red Ridge stone field before the corruption case was disciplinary investigations, August 23, 2011, Liang Guangzhou, Jiangmen municipal Bureau of supervision has been turned over to the dirty money of 300,000 yuan. 4 months later, Liang Guangzhou voluntarily surrendered himself to the Guangzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate.

The end of 2013, Zhuhai city intermediate people's Court made the judgment of first instance.

"Bribes, could not take advantage of the terms of reference to interference Hong Ling Shi Chang the handling of the case. "Liang Guangzhou appeal against the judgment of the first instance, and the view that the facts do not exist for the benefit of others. In addition, he voluntarily surrendered to the discipline Committee, declare all of the facts of the crime and returned the stolen money. According to appellant's criminal facts, circumstances and extent of harm, the decision on the penalty. Request second trial sentenced to 3 years in prison and suspended by the appellant.

In addition, according to Liang Guangzhou bribe amounts, should be sentenced to 10 years, turned himself in because of its plot, in mitigation of punishment. To this end, the maintenance of first instance upheld the ne bis in idem.

  [The Court]

After the Court considered in second instance, Jiang Liang Guangzhou knowingly have specific merit cases, receiving property, commitment to seek benefits for others, namely the ability to seek benefits for others. In addition, Liang Guangzhou had also informed the Jiang case had been transferred to the legal review, and Red Ridge quarries case lawyers to introduce legal room to the Director acknowledged, summary, Liang Guangzhou appeal argues that its grounds of appeal does not exist for the benefit of others cannot be established, not to accept it.

(Original title: Lianjiang former Vice Director of Public Security Bureau was sentenced to 5 years)

(Edit: SN146)
13:26 on July 01, 2014 The Southern Metropolis daily

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