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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/1 8:23:33 Edit(编辑)
Taobao buyers give bad reviews are not afraid of being harassed,

Taobao buyers give bad reviews are not afraid of being harassed,

Taobao buyers give bad reviews will protection services are not afraid of being harassed-phone numbers, online negative feedback, net-IT news Taobao buyers give bad reviews will be afraid is being harassed

Yesterday, Taobao has reportedly will introduce a shielding buyers sellers new phone number service, Taobao responded that company was indeed considering through technological means to better help consumers protect the privacy, including measures such as shielding buyers phone number, but it is not progress to a substantive stage.

Earlier, media reported that Taobao plans to launch a new service in mid-July, shielding buyers phone number for sellers, sellers and logistics through a temporary phone number, contact the buyer, after the transaction is completed the temporary phone freeze.

It is understood that the buyer shops on Taobao after bad reviews, may be subjected to telephone harassment of the bad sellers, such incidents often seen in newspapers. The other hand, express delivery companies sell express order information – names, addresses, telephone numbers and other private information was put online the public selling of situation is not uncommon. If Taobao can use technical means to protect buyers phone number, so the two cases will no doubt be curbed.

Reporters interviewed was informed yesterday, Taobao is also considering helping consumers protect the privacy service, and this service is named "phone number protection services", but have not yet progressed into substantive stage, specifically the timing of the launch was still undecided.

Reporters also noted that after the service entered a substantive phase, will gradually open up, and can allow the buyer to choose whether or not to use the service.

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