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qq published in(发表于) 2014/7/1 8:22:34 Edit(编辑)
Cool! ZTE to launch laser projection keyboard,

Cool! ZTE to launch laser projection keyboard,

ZTE to launch the laser projection keyboard-laser projection keyboard, laser keyboard, keyboard, ZTE-IT news Cool! ZTE to launch laser projection keyboard

Nanjing Tianyi phone during the three-day fair, Chinese mobile phone makers with, has launched a series of supporting Telecom 4G network of smart products.

In addition to handsets, however, there are a lot of high-tech peripherals, ZTE launched in which a laser keyboard, and attracted everyone's attention.

The device via Bluetooth projection in the form of the virtual keyboard onto the desktop, keyboard layout using the QWERTY keyboard, keyboard size 100mm (h) *240mm (w), projector distance from the bottom of the keyboard from the launch of 100mm, the most critical is the projection of images of non-reflective, opaque, and easier for us to operate.

After the actual tests, this laser keyboard recognition rates as high as 350 words per minute, so the effect is quite good. It also comes with a 3.7V 660MAh lithium-ion battery, and 2 hours of battery life.

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