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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/26 8:00:31 Edit(编辑)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: no need to read too much into the new map of China

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: no need to read too much into the new map of China

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: no need to read too much into the new map of China (video) | map | Ministry _ China News

Beijing, June 25, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Web site, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying 25th held a regular press conference, China publishes new version of the map of China and India Vice President Ansari's visit the question and answer session. The following question and answer session for the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs record:

  Q: it is reported that, on 24th, Russia President Vladimir Putin proposals issued by the Russian Federation Council on March 1 in Ukraine use of Russian military force authorization. China have any comment on that?

A: China spoke highly of the related decisions made by President Putin and Ukraine crisis the parties to make constructive efforts, I believe this will help Ukraine political solution to the crisis. China supports the relevant parties to implement the ceasefire agreement, and initiatives such as speeding up dialogue and consultation on the basis of consensus in Geneva for a comprehensive political solution to the crisis, the early realization of Ukraine's stability and development.

  Q: President Corazon Aquino of the Philippines yesterday to visit Japan when he met reporters together with Prime Minister Abe says supports the Prime Minister Abe's Ascension Japan international clout of the Army plan. China have any comment on that?

A: we have taken note of relevant reports. We had previously attempted to show that China's principled positions thereof. Due to historical reasons, China is Japan in the field of military security policy trends closely, it's Asian neighbors and the international community's common concern. Hope that Japan understands and respects the justified concerns of the neighboring countries in terms of security, adhere to the path of peace.

We have taken note of remarks made by the leaders during a visit to Japan to the Philippines. I would like to point out that, for a long time China has been committed to working with the parties concerned on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law, bilaterally negotiated resolution of the territorial and maritime jurisdiction. We believe that the States concerned should show sincerity, halfway and with China, rather than artificially created tensions, as the region added new complexities. Interaction between hope that the countries concerned are able to inject some positive energy to safeguarding regional peace and stability, and to play a constructive role, not the other way around.

  Q: it is reported that recently, 3 Jewish youth in the West Bank town were missing. Israel accused Hamas of the implementation of the "abduction" and demanded the Palestinian Government responsible for the policy. Hamas denied it. Israel Army large-scale raids in the West Bank in recent days, have arrested hundreds of Palestinians and resulted in many Palestinian deaths and hundreds more were injured. China have any comment on that?

A: we have noticed relevant reports, 3 Jewish youth expressed concern about the disappearance and resulting tensions and worries. China condemns all acts of violence against innocent civilians, and we think that military force will not solve the problem, will only intensify contradictions, the accumulation of hatred. Under the current circumstances, both sides should strengthen communication and cooperation between the Israelis, missing the truth as soon as possible. Hope the Israeli side to exercise restraint and refrain from overreacting measures.

  Q: recently published a new version of the map of China, with full scale diagram shows part of South China Sea. China is doing is getting?

Answer: I've noticed relevant reports. Local map publishers in China preparation and production of various versions of the map of China, with the aim to serve the public, there is no need to read too much into it. The Chinese Government's position on the South China Sea issue is consistent and clear, and nothing has changed.

  Q: India Vice President Ansari will arrive in Xian started his official visit to China tomorrow, after which he will arrive in Beijing. Can you brief us visit schedule and specific arrangements?

Answer: upon invitation by the Vice President Li yuanchao, India Ansari, Vice-President of the Republic will meet on an official visit to China from June 26 to 30th. He will arrive tomorrow visit XI ' an, arrived in Beijing the day after tomorrow, attending official functions. During his stay in Beijing, Chinese Vice-President XI Jinping and other Chinese leaders will meet with Ansari, and he attended the five principles of peaceful coexistence jointly published the 60 anniversary of the related celebrations. Ansari will attend the Li yuanchao, Deputy Chairman of the Vice President as he held a welcome ceremony and hold talks with Li yuanchao, Deputy Chairman. In addition, the Vice President Ansari will also deliver a speech at the Chinese Academy of social sciences. About access, we will release information.

China attaches great importance to Vice President Ansari visited China. In May this year India after the establishment of the new Government, Indian leaders visited China for the first time, to promote the healthy and stable development of Sino-Indian relations in the new situation is very important. We hope that through this visit with the Indian side on the further development of Sino-Indian relations in-depth and thorough discussion, believed that the visit to stronger impetus for the development of Sino-Indian relations, and promoting faster and better development of Sino-Indian relations.

(Original title: Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the new map of China, India Vice President will visit the question and answer session)

(Edit: SN022)
18:03 on June 25, 2014 China News Network

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