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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/24 8:41:26 Edit(编辑)
China is willing to agree to jointly combat transnational organized crime

China is willing to agree to jointly combat transnational organized crime

Meng jianzhu: China is willing to agree to jointly combat transnational organized crimes |undefined_ news

Italy, Member of the CPC Central political and Legislative Affairs Committee Secretary Meng jianzhu visited 23rd met in Rome Italy's Prime Minister Renzi.

Meng conveyed President XI Jinping, Li keqiang on Renzi's cordial greetings. He said that China and Italy enjoy profound traditional friendship. Established diplomatic ties, bilateral relations have maintained a good momentum of development. This year is the Italian 10-year anniversary of the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership, next year is a Sino-Italian diplomatic ties 45 years, at a new starting point in bilateral relations. Two weeks ago, Mr Renzi paid a successful visit to China, and reached important consensus with Chinese leaders, in order to inject new vitality into bilateral relations. China is willing to consent to, and constantly enhance the desirable level of practical cooperation.

Meng jianzhu, said Italian law enforcement security cooperation are important parts of Italy comprehensive strategic partnership. In recent years, law enforcement and security cooperation has been fruitful. China is willing to agree to further strengthen law enforcement security cooperation in the fight against terrorism, transnational organized crime, and safeguard people's life and property safety and social stability, and promote in-depth development of bilateral relations.

Renzi asked Meng to convey good wishes to Premier XI Jinping, Li keqiang. He said that Italy and China are countries with ancient civilizations and great potential for cooperation between the two sides. Italy Government attaches great importance to developing friendly relations with China, is willing to work with China to deepen economic and trade cooperation, law enforcement, security, science and technology, culture and other fields, and push forward China-Italy comprehensive strategic partnership development.

Central political and Legislative Affairs Committee Secretary Wang Yongqing, Chinese Ambassador to Italy Dong Haizhou Li, national security Deputy Minister, Ambassador attended the meeting. (Text: Hao Fan chart: reverse)

12:13 on June 24, 2014 The Ministry of public security website

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