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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/24 8:37:45 Edit(编辑)
Taobao writes wonderful insurance: “World Cup regrets insurance“,

Taobao writes wonderful insurance: “World Cup regrets insurance“,

Taobao writes wonderful insurance: "World Cup regrets risks" insurance-Taobao, the 2014 World Cup, Brazil's World Cup-IT news Taobao writes wonderful insurance: "World Cup regrets risks"

According to the Wall Street Journal reported that the occasion of the World Cup, and innovative insurance sold on Taobao, creating a very innovative business model, alleviating the suffering of many fans lost the ball, stayed up late to watch the ball's fatigue.

China did not qualify for the World Cup games, but the Chinese fans to such a "beautiful game" in the most important competition is still enthusiastic. Taobao, China's insurance companies to come up with a way to make a profit.

Hyder, a clever insurance company insurance are selling "World Cup regrets risks", reduce the pain of fans supported the team was eliminated.

Therefore, for defending champion Spain out of the disappointed fans need not sad. Only 8 Yuan (US $ 1.30), fans will be able to buy a copy of "regrettable risks", the team were eliminated in the first round will receive pay 18 Yuan, can be said to be slightly alleviated psychological blow suffered by the fans.

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