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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/22 9:37:50 Edit(编辑)
Smartphones? TV? What are you using to watch Brazil World Cup

Smartphones? TV? What are you using to watch Brazil World Cup

Smartphones? TV?
What are you using to watch Brazil World Cup 2014 World Cup, Brazil's World Cup, the World Cup-IT news Smartphones? TV? What are you using to watch Brazil World Cup

Summary: United States 11-nation poll conducted by industry organizations, for concern, to appreciate Brazil's World Cup media terminals, Mobile ranked second, behind television.

And four years ago in South Africa the World Cup compared to Smartphone penetration has increased around the world. Recently, the United States 11-nation poll conducted by industry organizations, for concern, to appreciate Brazil's World Cup media terminals, Mobile ranked second, behind television.

Taiwan e-times website reported that the United States online advertising industry organization "Internet Advertising Bureau" (not the Government) carried out the poll. Allegedly, surveyed people in 11 countries, including China, Brazil, and France, and Italy, and Mexico and the United Kingdom and the United States and other countries.

48% per cent of the respondents said they will use their smart phones to watch, concerned Brazil World Cup, compared to 63% select the TV people. This shows that the watching World Cup matches, was the first media television, cell phones became the second media, beyond the other traditional media such as radio, newspapers, computer Web sites.

The survey also found that many mobile phone users for Brazil World Cup enthusiasm, their scope of concern, already more than a specific team or country-specific, which is targeting the World Cup opportunity for advertisers, is undoubtedly good news.

Investigations revealed that 37% per cent of the respondents, is against World Cup-related interaction or to the mobile advertising clicks.

Why mobile phones become the World Cup's second-biggest media? Surveys, watch videos on mobile phones one of the major functions of the game. Nearly two-thirds per cent of the respondents said, are willing to pay for watching video on their phones.

Use smart phones, naturally cannot fail to share. Survey shows that 66% of respondents will watch the World Cup mood and feelings, share with friends through social networks.

The survey also showed more and more obvious, "second screen" effect. 35% of respondents said that when they watch World Cup matches on TV and simultaneously opens smartphones gets game-related information. This also means that mobile phones and television sets, both at the same time "compatible" to media, you can also share a user's "eye".

Many manufacturers will take advantage of the World Cup advertising campaign and marketing, how to get WINS in the advertising campaign? This survey revealed that one-third per cent of the respondents said they will focus on exciting, fun and entertaining ads, ads and products in their relationship was second (16%), 16% of respondents said, and its national team's ads are more likely to get their attention.

The survey also found that advertising by well-known athlete endorsements and advertising from sponsors of the World Cup is unlikely to be highly concerned about.

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