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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/22 9:37:21 Edit(编辑)
Driverless cars will run with the black box,

Driverless cars will run with the black box,

Driverless cars will run-driverless cars with black boxes, black box-IT news Driverless cars will run with black boxes

Driverless car, Google is undoubtedly the world's best known companies, but automobile manufacturing country Germany, pays homage to in drone technology. According to the latest Reuters reported that in order to solve the driverless cars on the road due to car accident responsible for investigating issues such as Germany auto maker, is working on cars used on the traveling data recorder, is exactly like the airline industry the use of "black box" devices.

Today, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and other Germany companies, is also working with Google to develop unmanned or semi-automatic driving technologies.

Today, technology such as automatic parking, already commercially available, but for it to succeed driverless cars and the use of unmanned systems, there are some real justice, such as the duty to investigate after the crash.

Germany manufacturer, if installed on a driverless car black box device, once the accident occurred, can help insurance companies and car makers, segregation of responsibilities.

Automatic traveling data recorder, now in Germany triggered a hot debate between the auto industry and the Government sector. Among them, some operators believe that Germany is the automobile manufacturing countries, therefore, should not be in the process of developing unmanned cars behind, should be resolved as soon as possible obstacles driverless cars into use, policy and regulatory constraints.

According to statistics, the 90% of auto accidents is human error, Germany automaker's engineers believe that the dangerous situation at a time when, we should let automatic system to play a more important role in emergency, as if in the aviation industry, the pilot will start the automatic landing sequence during landing, let the computer finish landing, safer.

After the accident, insurance companies, car companies and so on, need to figure out is the responsible party of the car accident cars, drivers, or other third parties, related parties also hope to collect a variety of data as possible to assist in the investigation, such as current speed, sensor data, camera, video, drivers, these data can also help insurance companies to develop future policy.

However, the driverless car owners are also ordinary citizens, if automatic driving information is automatically recorded, personal privacy will be threatened, the owner of whereabouts information may be stolen.

In Germany, has been very sensitive to privacy issues. Because in the United States in Prism-gate scandal came news that United States intelligence agencies and even Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel, listening in on private phone and Internet records has, which makes Germany very surprised.

Germany auto maker also said that even if it for driverless cars after installing black boxes, for how to use the recorder for recording data, will enact restrictive policies, to protect people's privacy.

Media analysis, limit the use of traffic data, or you can Google and other technology companies entered the field of unmanned formation attack. Known to be the technology company's strengths are based on detailed analysis of the data, to develop excellent unmanned system. In terms of software development and data analysis, the traditional auto companies is no match for Google and other technology companies.

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