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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/19 4:46:59 Edit(编辑)
Drug distribution hub in Beijing, drug addicts each year up 10%

Drug distribution hub in Beijing, drug addicts each year up 10%

Beijing raise every year for drug distribution into a transit point for drug 10% | | Beijing anti-drug efforts _ news

Yesterday morning, the Beijing Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference, inform the 2013, public security, procuratorate, Court, anti-drug work. In Beijing, police said, at present, the registered drug addicts up to 25,000 people in Beijing, and has maintained an annual growth rate of 10%, there is still no slowing trend.


HIV arrests last year paid a record high

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Deputy Director Jiang Liangdong introduced, statistics show that by the end of 2013, the country registered addicts has reached 200yuwanming, while Beijing drug problems are still growing, drug situation was complex. As of the end of May this year, Beijing registered drug addicts reached more than 25,000 employees, and has maintained an annual growth rate of 10%, there are still no signs of slowing.

Police last year detected drug cases more than 1800 employees, rose 20.9%; drug suspects captured more than 1900 employees, rose 22.9%, seized drug users more than 5,100 employees, rose 26.8%; collection of 112.8 kg of drugs, rose 67.3%. Detection, arrest record, collection of HIV. Annual cracked kg more than 25 cases, rising 56%; hundred grams more than 146 cases, rose 31.5%.

  Synthetic drug abuse rate is above the national

According to Jiang Liangdong introduction, 5,124 persons seized drug trafficking nearly 3 years in this city, with an average annual increase of 5.1%. Increasing the spread of synthetic drugs, in 2013, seized more than 5,100 employees among drug addicts in the abuse of methamphetamine accounted for 83.1% of synthetic drugs, much higher than the national average of about 34.2%.

From the perspective of drug crime cases before the Court in the city in recent years, human trafficking and transporting drugs and receiving other drugs cases, accounting for about 90% of all drug-related crimes. In addition, cases involving new types of synthetic drugs and drug grew rapidly, proportion of traditional drugs such as heroin-related cases decreased to around 30%, p-synthetic drugs such as amphetamine-related cases the share quickly rose to 60%.


Beijing into a drug distribution hub

In recent years, drugs continue to permeate into the city, the country seized various drugs were seized in Beijing, Beijing has gradually become the forefront of the fight against drugs. Jiang Liangdong describes, from the perspective of drug circulation situation, Beijing has gradually become a foreign drugs from Southwest China's entry to the Northeast, North China Distributor, from China's northeastern border transit point for immigration to South China, East China distribution. From the perspective of drug sources, Beijing seized from the "Golden Crescent" area of heroin, cocaine from South America, paid accounted for 23.6% of the total HIV, much higher than the other provinces of the country.

 Drug spread to exurban area

From current trends, drugs have spread to youth groups, low-income population trends, migrant workers, farmers the number of drug users in the suburbs are growing. From city to city, suburban spread of drugs. 2013 unchanged from the first five years of the total incidence, but centers around the city, Tongzhou, shunyi, Changping, Daxing, Fangshan district up 38.7% compared to the previous five-year average, suburbs grew by 49.3%.

Police said that especially the Internet has accelerated the spread of drugs, using network communication platform to organize drug abuse and drug trafficking, organizational planning, communications and command over the Internet trends in drug-related crime is obvious.


Drug users in the West hit four rings 21

It is understood that the drug problems and other crimes closely easily induced by looting, robbing, stealing and embezzling cases of intentional injury, homicide and other cases of human rights violations. Jiang Liangdong said that integrated all factors, the drug problem has become a real threat to harmony and stability of the capital.

According to incomplete statistics, in 10 years the city uncovered drug addicts for criminal cases of theft, robbery, intentional injury and 5660, murder, 25 of them. Troublemaking caused by abuse of synthetic drug-induced mental illnesses are common. On December 26 last year, a Taiwanese drug addicts in this city after methamphetamine hallucinations, suspected that his girlfriend to monitor it and kicked his girlfriend died on the spot.

According to statistics, at present, the use of synthetic drugs addicts 5,230, "drug driving" "poison magic" hidden highlight, four ring in July 2010, after the drug hit 21 cases is the direct embodiment of the car.

(Original title: drug addicts in Beijing with an annual increase of 10%)

01:59 June 19, 2014 Beijing times

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