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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/19 4:46:42 Edit(编辑)
CNPC in Iraq kidnapped employees had been released, no evacuation plan

CNPC in Iraq kidnapped employees had been released, no evacuation plan

CNPC in Iraq kidnapped employees had been released without evacuation plan | Iraq unrest _ news

Yang Guang Beijing, June 19 (Xinhua Zhang Mian Mian), according to voice of the central canton News reported, Iraq starting from the 10th, the rapid deterioration in the security situation. News that CNPC employees were Iraq kidnapped kidnapper identity was not clear, does not preclude linked PetroChina was active in rescue. PetroChina said yesterday that the safe return of the hostages has, at present no comprehensive evacuation plans.

China in Iraq of oil project main is to in the oil and in the Sea oil of project mainly, which PetroChina is occupies main of project, main is is divided into Aach generation cloth of oilfield project, Rumailah and hafaya project, Aach generation cloth oilfield is is located in Tigris pan, is located in Iraq in the southern of Wassit province, distance capital Baghdad 180 km, 2008 years in the oil and Iraq Government is signed has this oilfield of development service contract, This is Iraq's new Government since Saddam Hussein's ouster after first bidding round for oil field oil field development project. According to PetroChina's introduction, Aach's cloth due to the influence of Tung Lung Island, has evacuated some employees, Rumailah and hafaya projects do not have a situation of evacuation. Current United States of Exxon's American personnel now have all been evacuated Iraq, while Exxon Mobil in Iraq's second-largest oilfield West Qurna phase one project of the original 60% of the technical service contracts. United Kingdom of BP also withdrew half of employees, but China and shell would rather stay, after CNPC employees were kidnapped, according to understand the safe return was not injured, compared with hafaya and Rumaila field staff are now more psychological pressure, but security is better protected.

Reporter: Iraq unrest did have an impact on our safety?

Staff: now is the psychological impact is very large.

Reporter: what about people, scared?

Staff: we are very scared, because this is a real war.

Reporter: now that the war has hit us oil yet?

Staff: we haven't hit, if you want to hit the oil, and all company staff were evacuated.

Reporter: do you guarantee us the safety aspects?

Staff: safety is absolutely guaranteed, apart from checks, we also secured, in an emergency, they also gave us setting the channel, according to the judgment making evacuation preparations, whether to evacuate.

Reporter: what will you evacuate?

Staff: basis of developments, the police arranged evacuations.

(Original title: PetroChina: in Iraq kidnapped employees had been released no comprehensive evacuation plans)

(Edit: SN098)
12:14 June 19, 2014 Chinese radio network

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