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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/19 4:46:38 Edit(编辑)
Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met with the General Secretary of CPV: the two sides as soon as possible to keep things stable

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met with the General Secretary of CPV: the two sides as soon as possible to keep things stable

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met with the General Secretary of CPV: the two sides as soon as possible to keep things stable _ | | Yang, General Secretary of the Central News

Xinhuanet, Hanoi, June 18-18th State Councilor Yang Jiechi met with Vietnamese Communist Party Chief Nguyen Phu trong in Hanoi.

Yang said that China and Viet Nam are close neighbors, are in a critical period of reform and development, and share broad common interests. Faced with complex and changing international and regional situation, both to eliminate barriers, deepen cooperation and seek common development. The Chinese side attaches great importance to Sino-Vietnamese comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. At present, the Sino-Vietnamese relations as problems facing serious difficulties at sea. But again, and somehow resolved as soon as possible. Based on this strategy and attach great importance to Sino-Vietnamese relations, the CPC and the Chinese Government sent me to visit with Vietnam to discuss how to deal with the current situation on the sea, and promote the development of bilateral relations back on the right track as soon as possible.

Yang elaborated China's principled positions thereof, stresses that the parties to a highly responsible attitude to history and two peoples, properly solve the sea issue and jointly safeguard the overall bilateral relations. We should continue to take place through bilateral communications, and stabilize the situation as soon as possible. Wants Vietnam to take concrete action for both sides to resolve the issue through negotiations and restore normal cooperation between the parties to create conditions.

Nguyen Phu trong said that Viet Nam Communist Party, Government and people attach great importance to the friendship between the two peoples and bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, maintenance, consolidation and development of relations between the two parties and two countries, is Viet Nam foreign policy priorities. No matter what difficulties, Vietnam is willing to maintain contact and communication with China, looking at the big picture, try to find a way to solve the problem, which is Vietnam's consistent position. In the current situation, the CPC and the Chinese Government sent Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and State Councillor to visit Viet Nam, it is very important, thanks. More ready to work with China to engage in a frank, sincere communication, proper handling of maritime-related issues and control the situation. Vietnam also hopes to continue to implement the consensus and agreements reached between the two countries and promote cooperation in various fields.

The same day, Yang also met with Viet Nam's Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, the two sides exchanged views on bilateral relations and maritime issues.

23:06 June 18, 2014 Xinhua NET

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