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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/15 9:12:56 Edit(编辑)
Xinjiang aletai careless construction of gas pipeline leaking, evacuated more than 20 people

Xinjiang aletai careless construction of gas pipeline leaking, evacuated more than 20 people

Xinjiang aletai careless construction of gas pipeline leaking natural gas pipeline _ evacuated more than 20 people | news

CNS, Wulumuqi, June 13 (reporters Zhou Jicheng and Liu Nan)-June 13, 11:15, Fuhai County, Xinjiang Autonomous Region China Construction Bank building next to a subway construction in cement plant and construction workers in construction at the site, inadvertently sawed a hole underground gas pipelines, gas leakage, serious threats to people's life and property safety.

Fuhai County, Al-Tai quickly dispatched after the fire brigade received the alarm, organize 1 truck 6 people full time fire brigade rushed to the scene. Firefighters arrived at the scene, and the air smelled a strong smell of gas, leaking large amount. Leak next to residential buildings at the corner of, a large number of diffuse gas to residential and junctions, the scene was in a critical condition, in the event of fire, extremely easy to cause a burning explosion accident of dire consequences.

Depending on the situation, firefighters ' emergency joint police station, the gas company, the quality supervision Department, rapidly to diverge, over more than 20 people around with a group of people for an emergency evacuation, another group of technicians cooperate with police to alert non-independent access and associated natural gas pipeline company to close the gas valve in this section. After about half an hour of intense relief, 11:45, successful exclusion of danger, and prevent the occurrence of a burning explosion accident.

According to the local fire department, construction workers in construction, be sure to pay attention to natural gas pipeline safety, if improper operation caused leaks, should promptly to safety alarms, all fire put an end to the scene of the accident, it is strictly forbidden to use cell phones to prevent fire accident.

(Original title: natural gas pipeline leaking caused by careless construction in Xinjiang fire evacuated more than 20 people)

(Edit: SN091)
18:25 June 13, 2014 China News Network

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