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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/15 9:12:53 Edit(编辑)
Xinhua News Agency, a signed article: Viet Nam calling a stag a horse to be beneath contempt

Xinhua News Agency, a signed article: Viet Nam calling a stag a horse to be beneath contempt

Xinhua News Agency, a signed article: Viet Nam calling a stag a horse for the world despise | China Viet Nam drilling platform | |-Vietnam relations _ news

Xinhua, bylined articles, comment on Viet Nam comments on South China Sea

In recent days, according to Xinhua, Viet Nam Government leaders at home and abroad, to move around and, using friction wantonly attacking China and Vietnam in the South China Sea, a distortion of the truth, fanning, deliberately creating tension, rendering Chinese "marine threat." Vietnamese leaders despite the overall situation of Sino-Vietnamese relations, regional peace and stability, and deliberately assumed a "victim" attitude, and declared ready to disputed issues to international legal institutions. So wicked as, Viet Nam is rare in history, even unprecedented.

Normalization of Sino-Vietnamese relations more than 20 years, through the common efforts of both sides, successfully resolved the land border and Beibu Gulf demarcation issue. Cooperation in politics, economy, culture, exchanges and cooperation in all aspects of national security has made great leaps, in line with the fundamental interests of the two peoples. People also could have on the further development of China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation have expectations and hopes.

In the case of the party so to confuse right and wrong, black and white, as the long Sino-Vietnamese relations have developed, I must stand up for more errors to clarify essential facts, say a few fair words straight.

Viet Nam comprehensive copying inherits some fallacies of the Saigon regime complicate matters

Viet Nam leaders said repeatedly: "Viet Nam has adequate legal and historical basis to affirm Paracel Islands and Truong belonging to Viet Nam's sovereignty. Since at least the 17th century, Viet Nam has become a real master. When these two islands which does not belong to any one country, Viet Nam has become a master, Viet Nam has been actually continuously to become master, peace. "" Viet Nam's consistent position is that Paracel Islands belonging to Viet Nam's sovereignty. Viet Nam advocates a negotiated settlement through peaceful means and ask for sovereignty over the Paracel Islands. ”

Viet Nam leaders comments, actually plagiarized from the Sino-Vietnamese relations are not normal times Viet Nam Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1979, 30 years published the white paper on the relationship between truth and the subsequent white paper on two islands. Those white paper writing facilitator was Director of Viet Nam Nguyen cornerstone of diplomacy. And that copies of the white paper's argument almost entirely plagiarized from South Vietnam in Saigon puppet regime, published in February 1974 an "white papers".

In order to maintain the overall situation of Sino-Vietnamese relations, the Chinese side "ending the past, opening up the future" spirit, don't want to look back in the 1970 of the 20th century it was an unpleasant history. However, since Vietnam never tired of repeating this question and provoke debate, one cannot continue to tolerate the practice of calling a stag a horse and confuse.

Say this question is very simple: Vietnam, Truong said sands, this refers to Viet Nam offshore islands and the Paracel and Spratly Islands, and China has indisputable sovereignty. In other words, Vietnam Paracel Islands are not referred to in the Xisha Islands of China, Vietnam Truong is not referred to in China's Nansha Islands. South Vietnamese Saigon puppet regime for the invasion of China, the deliberate counterfeiting distorts historical truth, and Viet Nam to certain people for political purposes, full copy, inherit the heresies of the Saigon regime, only complicates the issue, serious damage to the relations between the two parties.

Re-reading the late 70 and early 80, made by the Chinese side outlined in diplomatic documents and comments by conclusive evidence, of chaos and the root. In fact, Viet Nam scholars in an objective, fair and rigorous attitude pointed out that Viet Nam refers to historical data was not the original real historical data, but has been cropped and edited for forgery.

The Xisha and Nansha Islands sovereignty belongs to China are irrefutable. Paracel Islands and Truong, should return to referring to Viet Nam offshore islands as they are. The Chinese Government and people have never sought to encroach on other countries ' an inch of land, and will not allow any country to encroach on and the occupation of any inch of China's territory.

  Viet Nam and the Government is the Orthodox of the Saigon regime can not be reversed

Viet Nam Government leaders have repeatedly declared: "in 1974, the capture of Saigon regime by force in China (Viet Nam Republic regime) managed the entire Paracel Islands. Viet Nam Republic Government protested and condemned, and recommends that the United Nations intervene. ”

Indeed, the battle of the puppet regime in January 1974 on the waters of the Xisha Islands in Sai Kung had made a scene, asking its ally United States military support, submitted to the UN Security Council. However, looking through declassified historical documents, United States Government accepts its Saigon authorities request for military assistance yet? Requirements of United Nations Security Council accepts Saigon regime yet? "Right around the world, unreasonably difficult. "History has proven that vexatious the Saigon regime did not include the United States, accepted by the international community.

On September 2, 1945, the Viet Nam people's great leader President Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi's BA Dinh square proclaim Viet Nam Democratic Republic was established. The day became all Viet Nam to solemnly commemorate the national day of the people. People's Republic of China Government in January 1950, the first to admit Viet Nam Democratic Republic and established diplomatic relations.

In the view of Governments and peoples of China and most countries in the world, only Viet Nam is now the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam is of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam's only legal and legitimate Government. Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam has repeatedly pointed out that the party and Government, Saigon puppet regime is "France and American imperialism colonialism installed puppet regime."

Viet Nam people to resist foreign aggression, the reunification of the motherland, and fought bloody sacrifice, "beat United States go, playing a puppet regime collapse" (Ho Chi Minh). Will the Viet Nam Government: American nation war ended in victory 39 years later, Saigon regime on the legal nature of the regime is, can it be so black and white do? If as a Saigon puppet regime "legitimate and Orthodox" regime, that is be ungrateful, is blasphemy against Ho Chi Minh resistance under the leadership of the war in the nation, is to overthrow the puppet regime in Sai Kung and heroic dedication, sacrifice of Viet Nam civil-military profanity, but also support for the progressive people all over the world including China, Viet Nam people's just cause of blasphemy.

 Viet Nam Government's position is not "against"

Viet Nam leaders said that no country in the world recognizes Xisha and Nansha Islands belong to China. This is a shameless lie. While acknowledging the Xisha and Nansha Islands belong to China's national list, ranked in the forefront of Viet Nam Democratic Republic Government.

Viet Nam Democratic Republic on the Government's position on the Paracel and Spratly Islands in the 560, was unequivocal, no assertion of any disagreement with the Chinese Government. This situation continued until the President Ho Chi Minh's death, and even can be said until 1975, Viet Nam before the American victory in the war to save the nation.

The late 70 and early 80 articles and commentaries in the Chinese Foreign Ministry file with lots of solid materials demonstrate leadership of President Ho Chi Minh Viet Nam the Labour Party and the Government's position on the Xisha and Nansha Islands and position. Including numerous maps, textbooks, literature, was particularly important Viet Nam Democratic Republic Prime Minister, Pham Van note in 1958 by Premier Zhou Enlai in 1965 and Viet Nam Democratic Republic Government's statement. Puzzling is that Vietnam now have evaded, no mention of these two very important official documents having the force of law.

On September 4, 1958, the People's Republic of China Government issued a statement on the waters. Article I declared: "People's Republic of China of the breadth of the territorial sea to 12 nautical miles. This provision applies to People's Republic of China all territories, including China's continent and its offshore islands, and the high seas with the continent and islands along the coast of Taiwan and the Penghu Archipelago and around the island, dongsha, Xisha, zhongsha and Nansha Islands and other island belongs to China. ”

On September 14 of that year, Viet Nam Democratic Republic Prime Minister, Pham Van Note verbale People's Republic of China Prime Minister Zhou Enlai. The note said: "the Viet Nam Government recognized and endorsed the Democratic Republic People's Republic of China Government on September 4, 1958 statement on the decision of the territorial sea, and will instruct the responsible State organs, on the sea and the People's Republic of China relations, strictly in accordance with the provisions of the breadth of the territorial sea is 12 nautical miles of China. "This diplomatic note published in Viet Nam of the workers ' Party newspaper, people's daily, September 22, 1958 the newspaper.

On May 9, 1965, Viet Nam Democratic Republic United States determined its forces in Viet Nam "combat area" statement. The Government statement noted that: "the United States President Lyndon Johnson put the whole Viet Nam Viet Nam waters near the coast about 100 nautical miles, as well as the People's Republic of China territorial waters as part of the Xisha Islands provides for the United States armed forces in combat zones", is the "Viet Nam Democratic Republic and a direct threat to the safety of neighbouring countries".

In recent years, Viet Nam has some government officials and "scholars" rack their brains, again trying to "read" these two government documents. However, contrary to any attempt of fact and law is ultimately futile. These officials and "scholars" it is impossible to justify, but flawed, a laughing stock. Because they are contrary to the objective facts of history, and in violation of international law, "estoppel" this important principle.

Viet Nam Government eschewed, made no mention of the two has a legal binding document, this is why. "Resolute, the letter will do in deed. "Whether it be individuals or representatives, your Word is the Foundation of social and international prestige, promises will be spurned and defiance of the international community and the people.

Vietnam said "has prepared the legal basis and the information you want." "Viet Nam is considering the right time," China International Court. Hereby reminded the Vietnamese side: when you file a complaint, don't forget to attach the fan with the Prime Minister's note and Viet Nam Democratic Republic declared, don't forget to attach prior to 1975, Viet Nam public and internal distribution of various maps, don't forget to enclose Viet Nam until 1975 issued by the Ministry of primary and secondary school geography textbook.

(The author here today to Xinhua world issues Research Center)

(Edit: SN067)
05:47 on June 15, 2014 Golden Goat Web-Express

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