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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/15 9:12:46 Edit(编辑)
XI Jinping: actively promoting the revolution in energy production and consumption in China

XI Jinping: actively promoting the revolution in energy production and consumption in China

XI Jinping: XI Jinping, actively promoting the revolution in energy production and consumption in China | | Central Finance and Economics leading group _ news

   Original title: XI Jinping hosted a meeting of the central financial and economic leading group of the meeting emphasized that actively promote the revolution of China's energy production and consumption to accelerate implementation of the key tasks of major initiatives in the field of energy Zhang Li keqiang to attend

Xinhuanet, Beijing, June 13-General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the Central Finance and Economics leading group leader XI Jinping presided over a central finance and Economics leading group of sixth meeting of June 13, study of China's strategy for energy security. He delivered an important speech stressed that energy security is the relationship between overall and strategic issues for national economic and social development, for national prosperity and development, improve people's lives, social stability is essential. Facing new changes in energy demand and supply patterns, new trends of the international energy development, ensuring national energy security, must push for energy production and consumption revolution. Revolutions are long-term strategies promote energy production and consumption, must start from the current, speed up implementation of key tasks and major initiatives.

China's Politburo Standing Committee, the State Council, the Prime Minister, Li keqiang, the Deputy Head of the central financial and economic leading group, CPC Central Committee member, Vice-Premiers, members of the central financial and economic leading group under the State Council, Mr Zhang gaoli, attended the meeting.

Meeting national energy Board report on China's energy security strategy, the leading group members was discussed.

He pointed out in his speech, through long-term development, China has become the world's largest producer and consumer of energy, formed the coal, electricity, oil, natural gas, renewable energy, renewable energy supply system of all-round development, technical level has improved remarkably, production and living conditions improved significantly. Although China's energy development and made great achievements, but also faces huge energy demand, energy supply constraints were more serious damage to the ecological environment, energy production and consumption, energy technology challenges overall behind. We must move from strategic national development and security, the situation, taking advantage, find ways to comply with the energy situation.

XI Jinping on boosting energy production and consumption revolution made 5 points. First, promote the revolution of energy consumption and curbing excessive energy consumption. Determined to control energy consumption, effective implementation of energy-conservation priority policy, runs through the whole process of economic and social development and energy saving in various fields, firmly readjust the industrial structure, and attaches great importance to urban energy conservation, establish a concept of thrifty consumption and develop energy-saving society. Second, we should promote revolution in energy supplies and set up a supply system. Based on China's supply of diverse security, vigorously promoting the clean and efficient use of coal, and focus on the development of non-coal energy, coal, oil, gas, nuclear, new energy and renewable energy supply system of multi wheel drive, in parallel, enhance the construction of energy transmission and distribution networks and storage facilities. Thirdly, to promote energy technology revolution, promote industrial upgrading. Based on our national conditions, and keep up with new trends in the international energy technology revolution, in a green and low-carbon direction, classification of promoting technological innovation, industrial innovation, business model innovation, and other areas with high-tech combination of nurturing to energy technology and its associated drive the new growth point of China's industrial upgrading. Finally, driving the energy revolution, through energy development fast track. Unswervingly promote reform, restore energy commodity property, build an effective competitive market structures and market systems, formed mainly by the market mechanism to determine the price of energy, change the way government energy regulation, establish and improve the energy system of the rule of law. Finally, all-round strengthening of international cooperation to achieve energy security in an open condition. Under major domestic, in the production and consumption of energy covering various aspects of strengthening international cooperation to revolution, making effective use of international resources.

XI Jinping stressed that we will promptly formulate revolutionary strategy 2030 energy production and consumption, the study "Thirteen-Five" energy plan. We will promptly revise a number of energy efficiency standards, as long as it is backward to speed up the amendment, regularly updated and implemented. Continue to build power delivery consisting mainly of qianwanqianwa large-scale coal-fired power plants, coal turbine access standards, not up to the standards of energy conservation and emission reduction in active service unit within the implementation of upgraded to continue the development of long distance bulk power transmission technology. In adopting the highest international safety standards, under the premise of ensuring safety, promptly begin construction of the new nuclear power projects in coastal areas. Pragmatically, "along the way" energy cooperation, increase in Central Asia, the Middle East, the Americas, Africa, and oil and gas cooperation. Efforts to increase oil and gas exploration and development, strengthening the construction of oil and gas pipelines, oil and gas storage facilities, improve energy emergency system and capacity-building, improving the energy statistics system. Actively promote the energy system, to formulate overall scheme of electric power system reform and reform of the petroleum and natural gas, start the State reform of laws and regulations in the field of energy waste.

Central Finance and Economics leading group members, the Central Government and responsible comrades of relevant State departments to attend the meeting.

(Edit: SN091)
18:09 June 13, 2014 Xinhua NET

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