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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/11 10:47:27 Edit(编辑)
Jian Ling Xia group involved gambling be consumed: more than 50 people were arrested

Jian Ling Xia group involved gambling be consumed: more than 50 people were arrested

Jian Ling Xia group involved gambling be consumed: more than 50 people were arrested after sword spirit group, summer's group, the sword spirit, gambling-IT news Jian Ling Xia group involved gambling be consumed: more than 50 people were arrested

Recently, the spirit sword game once popular in some server's group suspected of gambling was arrested in summer events is buzz by netizens. According to Netizen says, once popular Internet gambling Group's group for multiple servers is consumed.

On June 10, Hunan satellite TV City channel reported the news, netizens discovered later in an online posting said, "we have noticed that recently the district, missing that Xia Shi horns out there? Bet on stone and nosy bosses had been captured, there are roughly over more than 50 members of the Group had been controlled by police ... ... Indeed my big sword, CH. Play a sword spirit was Dick FRY day on TV. ”

Some player feedback, the organization uses YY live with random jewel box of color out of the in-game gambling, Ruby Red, green, purple, yellow, white, etc, the player gets a certain chance by betting odds game coins as a reward.

Summer's group once in each server of the game off, opened the game for the first time, players will receive some gold coins, well known to many players, earning huge profits every day.

Small hope Honourable players to remain vigilant, to cherish life, away from gambling and well-maintained environment.

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