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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/9 6:25:19 Edit(编辑)
Lingshi, Shanxi for an ambulance due to manned entrance refused to rescue two drowning teenager

Lingshi, Shanxi for an ambulance due to manned entrance refused to rescue two drowning teenager

Lingshi, Shanxi for an ambulance due to entrance refused to rescue two drowning teenager stationed | Shanxi | ambulances save lives _ college entrance examination news

Authorities wide nets of Taiyuan, June 9 (Xinhua Linan) in lingshi County, jinzhong city, Shanxi Province today announced that on June 8, 2014, lingshi County two students drowned and netizens said ambulances stationed at entrance refused to rescue 500 metres away drowning teenager.

After it happened, lingshi County Government attached great importance to, and immediately instructed the relevant departments to investigate. At present, things are being investigated, which will be announced after the completion of the investigation.

 Related reading:

11 o'clock today, lingshi County, jinzhong city, Shanxi province propaganda department micro-publishing tweets, on June 8, 2014, the County's two students drowned and netizens said ambulances stationed at entrance refused to rescue 500 metres away drowning teenager. After it happened, the County Government attached great importance to, and immediately instructed the relevant departments to investigate. At present, things are being investigated.

Web search shows that the message first by Baidu user "your shadow 6868" was released on June 8, at 21 o'clock in "stone", this thread is entitled "post more episodes!!! I want to gate in lingshi 120 see. "

The friends said, 15:35 P.M., children drown, first time is 15:42 that was rescued, lingshi 120 receipt of distress messages within the door is 15:40. 15:57, the police arrived. Is 16:07 to the fire department. Lingshi is 120 arrived at 16:21.

The netizens subsequently continuous posted said, incident Shi comes as entrance held Shi, "lingshi a in the away from incident locations has 500 m, static liters station away from incident locations should has 700 m, fire department away from incident locations has 13 km, children was saved up of when mouth spit foam, pupil proliferation, has pulse, has heartbeat; civilian police came Shi, has heartbeat, has pulse; fire players arrived Shi has no heartbeat and pulse. ”

A Netizen named "donkey 227" released a set of pictures in the stick. Picture shows, one labelled "lingshi County people's Hospital," emergency ambulance, a police car carrying life rafts parked near the incident, firefighters and others launch a rescue at the scene.

A Netizen named "your shadow 6868" is called, after the incident with his people into the rescue, someone parked in front of the lingshi 120 to get help, he said "whatever, let Ma He found doctors." A Netizen named "began with the legend" says 120 ambulance was quiet at the school gate l Township and incident in the horse and the Heung Yee Kuk. , Also stated that "cars for the first time at the school gate for help information, subject to the candidates refused on the grounds set out what had happened, after 120, set out from the city people's Hospital, the ambulance! ”

After media reports, the matter, many netizens questioned the ambulance staff "dereliction of duty, should be punished", but also some netizens questioned whether Kao "examination, can be overwhelming."

Twitter friends "Weifang-120" were of the view that manned entrance was "political task" without leadership approval, agreed that ambulance staff, anyone without permission from the post? Perhaps, they go to rescue drowning, will save a life. However, in them from the "posts", the college entrance exam may also be unexpected accidents. At this point, might have more serious consequences.

(Original title: NET lingshi, Shanxi for an ambulance manned entrance refused to rescue 500 metres away drowning teenager _tech)

(Edit: SN098)
12:15 June 09, 2014 China broadcast network

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