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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/9 6:24:59 Edit(编辑)
Jiangxi seizes the knife rescue candidates are people’s daily front page

Jiangxi seizes the knife rescue candidates are people’s daily front page

Jiangxi seizes the knife rescue candidates are people's daily front page (photo) | | | students seizes the knife to save lives _ the people's daily news

College entrance examination on June 7, Jiangxi Yichun Liu Yanbing senior candidates had gauze wrapped around the head lying in a hospital bed, unable to participate in college entrance examination, he had in fact made a separate answer sheet.

On May 31, Liu Yanbing struggled with the knife-wielding gangsters on a passenger bus, drew praise. Ministry of education, said Liu Yanbing and another wounded candidate Yi Zhengyong recovered separate examinations for their organizations, there has been some universities holding out the olive branch to Liu Yan soldiers, willing to help their college dreams.

People of vision

(Original title: per cent)

(Edit: SN048)
02:10 June 08, 2014 People's daily online-people's daily

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