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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/9 5:32:39 Edit(编辑)
Improved touch screen experience: new IE interface will change,

Improved touch screen experience: new IE interface will change,

Improved touch screen experience: changed in the new version of IE interface-Win8,IE browser Win8.1,IE10,IE11,IE12-IT Info Improved touch screen experience: new IE interface will change

Win8 turned out, Microsoft has introduced a touch version of IE browser and touch device mix. Win8.1 launch, Microsoft improves the user experience of touch IE version and improves many features, adding features that other account information synchronized to Wndows equipment. Although there are many updates, but the desktop user interface remains the same. Based on feedback from Microsoft's Web site, looks like Microsoft's next version will help change IE's interface.

User suggestions: "If your browser favorites with Win8 bar color match the color theme that would be great--it can effect to improve IE, IE looks like a whole – rather than having the Favorites bar button that looks like a rough patchwork. ”

IE team replies: "thank you for your feedback, we're on the look and make some big changes, we'll remember your advice. ”

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